“PublicHealthisthescienceandart ofpreventingdisease,prolonging lifeandpromotinghealththrough theorganizedeffortsofsociety.” (WorldHealthOrganization) A.A.AfifiBiostatisticsinPublicHealth6 TheFutureofPublicHealth Report(IOM1988) Themissionofpublichealthis definedas: “Assuringtheconditionsinwhich peoplecanbehealth...
Matched Pairs T-test in SAS We want to determine whether a weekend study session improves students’ test scores. Six students are given a math test before the session, then they are re-tested after the weekend training. This is a matched pairs t-test, because the same subjects are being...
►项目介绍: Harvard的生物统计系设置在SPH (School of Public Health)下,位于Harvard Medical Campus。在哈佛公共卫生学院于1922年刚建立起哈佛的生物统计系便成立了Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, Brigham Women's Hospital, Boston Children's Hospital, Dana Faber Cancer Institute(DFCI...