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Available on PC, Xbox One, PS4™, and Nintendo Switch* There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city. Experience the unforgettable worlds and monumental stories of the award-winning BioShock series with BioShock: The Collection. Journey to the cities of ...
A tale of two cities — BioShock: The Collection Switch review Each game could easily go toe to toe with any modern-day juggernaut, but only the BioShocks can be played on the go. — Lawrence Le kahdeksan vuotta sitten Bioshock: The Collection on Xbox One – The DVD...
BioShock: The Collection (Nintendo Switch Game) first released 29th May 2020, developed by 2K and published by 2K.
Platform:This game has been designed specifically for the Nintendo Switch console. Enjoy the freedom to play anytime, anywhere! Game Details👾 Game name:BioShock: The Collection (Code in a box) Release date:The game was released on November 23, 2021, thus ensuring an updated and improved ...
BioShock: The Collection 生化奇兵:合集的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
BORDERLANDS LEGENDARY COLLECTION Get three times the mayhem, three times the loot and three times the action with the Borderlands Legendary Collection on the Nintendo Switch, which contains: Borderlands®: Game of the Year Edition: The co-op shooter-looter...
switch游戏《生化奇兵 合集(BioShock: The Collection)》一款动作射击游戏。回到狂喜之城和哥伦比亚,以从未有过的 1080p 画面来游玩获奖游戏——《生化奇兵》。包含所有《生化奇兵 重置版》,《生化奇兵2 重置版》以及《 生化奇兵:无限之城完全版》的单人内容,以及附加内容。
通过The Collection体验非凡的《生化奇兵》系列的每个章节和单人故事。 探索海底城市Rapture,它是社会最伟大人物的天堂,但由于一个人的傲慢而演变成了一个乌托邦式的恶梦。 在终极合集中享受这个广受好评的专营权。 关于《生化奇兵:集合》Switch(欧盟)。 通过《生化奇兵:合集》体验获奖的《生化奇兵》系列中令人难忘的...
Bioshock: The Collectionremove advertising notifications 追踪折扣 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 add_circle 添加到我的游戏库 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到 我的游戏库 favorite 喜欢 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到 喜欢的游戏 visibility_off 隐藏 从列表和搜索中删除该游戏,同时保持价格跟踪 49,...