BioShock Wiki Explore Advertisement 2,555 pages Viral Games Murder of Crows Edit Edit source History Talk (21) Contents 1BioShock Infinite 1.1Vigor Combos 1.1.1Official 1.1.2Unofficial 1.2Combat Strategy 1.3Recommended Gear 2Animation 3Gallery...
For the Lighthouse of Rapture, see The Lighthouse. “DeWitt- Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt. This is your last chance!”― Note on the Lighthouse's door[src] Located near Portland and off the coast of Maine, the Lighthouse is one of the ten st
BioShock Wiki Erkunden BioShock Rapture Universum Charaktere Rohrzange Pistole Maschinengewehr Schrotflinte Granatwerfer Chemikalienwerfer Armbrust Charaktere BioShock Infinite Charaktere Booker DeWitt Elizabeth Rosalind Lutece Robert Lutece Zachary Hale Comstock ...
BioShock Infinite Season Pass Clash in the Clouds Burial at Sea - Episode 1 Burial at Sea - Episode 2 Viral Games There's Something in the Sea Industrial Revolution BioShock: The Collection Other BioShock in Other Media BioShock Merchandise Novels BioShock: Rapture BioShock...
Byron Cotswold from BioShock Infinite shares the same head model as Lonnie. Lonnie's voice actor, Bill Lobley, also provided the voice for Stanley Poole from BioShock 2 and Jeremiah Fink from BioShock Infinite.Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise...
注意:WIKI并不代表官方意见,只是分析较全面、在玩家中受到支持比较高的观点而已。参考来源: DeWitt剧情1874年,4月19日。Booker DeWitt出生。1890年,Booker参与了伤膝大屠杀,由于其对于土著印第安人残暴的行为,被冠以 "The White Injun"的称号。伤膝战役小科普:Booker在16岁...
v·d·e ItemsinBioShock Infinite Single Use itemsMedical Kit·Salts·Infusion·Gear·Lockpick·Lockpicking Kit·Locksmith Bag·Silver Eagle·Wallet·Purse·Cash Bag·Silver Bar·Gold Bar·Keys·Chest·Code Book ConsumablesAbsinthe·Apple·Banana·Beer·Bon Bons·Bourbon·Brandy·Bread·Cake·Can of Be...
Hail Fire Ammo is the ammunition used by the Vox Hail Fire in BioShock Infinite. Each canister contains 5 grenades.
BioShock Wiki 943 Seiten Erkunden BioShock BioShock 2 Multiplayer BioShock Infinite in: Spoiler, Orte in BioShock Infinite, Clash in the Clouds DLC, und 5 weiteren Deutsch Columbia 1 Zum Bearbeiten anmelden "Warum schickt er uns einen Retter, wenn wir unsere Hände nicht für unsere ...
Borderlands Wiki en: BioShock Infinite, Enfrentamiento en las Nubes, Panteón Marino - Episodio 1, Panteón Marino - Episodio 2 Desgarro Editar Editar código Historial Comentarios (0) Un desgarro es un rasgón en el tiempo y el espacio dimensional, revelando un universo alterno que no...