2."A man chooses, a slave obeys"如果游戏只是艺术化地探讨了自由主义乌托邦,那只能称为优秀的作品。而《生化奇兵》用令人震惊的剧情反转探讨了人的自由意志,讽刺了游戏中玩家的自由选择,奠定了神作地位。存在主义哲学家萨特认为,存在先于本质,人没有什么预定的本质,也没有什么确定的人生意义,人从一开始只是存在...
1.would you kindly? 2.a man chooses,a slave obeys,obeys! 3.人的辛勤劳动成果属于他自己么?华盛顿说它属于穷人。梵蒂冈说它属于上帝。莫斯科说它属于所有人。只有在极乐城,才没有寄生虫去掠夺你的财富,才没有审查制度去干预艺术创作! 4.苏利文啊,方丹只是一个有能力的商人,我们是自由主义啦,不能去干预大...
萨特说:“人是自由的,是懦夫把自己变成懦夫,是英雄把自己变成英雄。”2.《生化奇兵》的演绎《生化奇兵》中的安德鲁·瑞恩在价值观上遵循客观主义思想,而在人生观上则可谓是萨特存在主义的信徒,其一言一行无不体现出鲜明的萨特存在主义思想。一代最为经典的台词:“A man chooses, a slave obeys.” 可视为对“存...
A SLAVE OBEYS”,象征着主角其实是奴隶的身份,因为这句话中有三个O,所以是三个圆环相连。结局也象...
Was a man sent to kill? Or A slave? A man chooses, a slave obeys. Stop. Would you kindly? Would you kindly? A Powerful Phrase. A Familiar Phrase? Sit. Would you kindly? Stand. Would you kindly? Would You Kindly run? Stop!
For all the critical attention paid to dystopian landscapes in recent literature and film, a similar dystopian turn within gamespace has been largely overlooked. The authors contend that post-apocalyptic digital games merit the same critical examination as their literary and cinematic counterparts, argui...
RE: A man chooses, a slave obeys - A Malifaux Blog with a Bioshock Theme [Game Spoilers] Thanks Mythos. I thought it fit the game well too: partly what inspired it! There should be many updates to come. Join uson the new forum. Come help us test it out!
A man chooses. A slave obeys.We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us.Would you kindly.No god or king, only man. 2021-03-21 11:471339回复 UP主觉得很赞 人生也无碍眼建议下一期讲讲耻辱系列,我最喜欢的关卡游戏,就是冷门 2021-03-21 12:0324回复 Leya蕾雅我睡醒了1代在我...
完善的背景设定比一般突突突的FPS高出不少段位。3.游戏的美术设计堪称一绝,蒸汽朋克+1950s的美式风格,有胆量的玩家一定要好好探索极乐城的每个角落。4.通关后仔细想想Andrew Ryan的那句“A man chooses, A slave obeys”,绝对打动人心!趁着端午假期,争取把续作《Bioshock2》给通了。
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