Surface Pro (1st Gen)Surface Pro 2Surface Pro 3Surface 3 对Windows 10 的支持将于 2025 年 10 月结束。 2025 年 10 月 14 日之后,Microsoft 将不再为 Windows 10 提供来自 Windows 更新的软件更新、技术协助或安全修补程序。 你的电脑仍可正常工作,但我们建议迁移到 Windows 11。
舊版Surface 裝置使用標準基本輸入/輸出系統 (BIOS) ,而不是在較新的裝置上找到的 Surface 整合可擴展韌體介面 (UEFI) 介面。 您可以使用 BIOS 來管理 Surface 上的韌體功能。 針對Surface Pro,Surface Pro 2、Surface Pro 3 和 Surface 3 重要:在一般情況下,您不需要變更 BIOS 設定...
连接键盘:如果您的Surface是平板电脑型号(如Surface Pro),建议使用Type Cover或其他USB键盘进行操作,因为BIOS设置通常需要使用键盘导航。按下音量增加键:按住“音量增加”键不放。这是进入BIOS的关键步骤之一。同时按下电源键:在按住“音量增加”键的同时,按下并释放电源按钮。继续按住“音量增加”键,直到Surface...
Surface Studio 2 这些机型获得了: Marvell 无线网卡和蓝牙驱动更新 Intel 显卡驱动更新 摄像头驱动更新 固件更新 各位注意是在1903的系统上才会收到哦,具体更新列表如下。 Surface Pro 5 Surface Pro 6 Surface Laptop Surface Laptop 2 Surface Book 2
Surface Pro (1st Gen)Surface Pro 2Surface Pro 3Surface 3 Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025 After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for ...
Surface Pro (1st Gen)Surface Pro 2Surface Pro 3Surface 3 Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025 After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for ...
Surface Pro (1st Gen)Surface Pro 2Surface Pro 3Surface 3 Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025 After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC w...
Surface Pro (1st Gen)Surface Pro 2Surface Pro 3Surface 3 Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025 After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, bu...
This should work for any Surface tablet, although we’re using the Surface Pro 3. And yes, we upgraded to the Windows 10 preview which currently has some serious bugs for Surface tablet users. Note that we’re not complaining, it’s a preview, and Microsoft even warned us ahead of time...