# about - an "about this program" option # hidden_tags - manage hidden tags # exit - a tag to exit from rEFInd # shutdown - shuts down the computer (a bug causes this to reboot # many UEFI systems) # reboot - a tag to reboot the computer # firmware - a tag to reboot the com...
Steps: How to Access BIOS on Different Models of Dell Computer Part 1. For Dell Latitude Dimension, Inspiron, Precision, and Optiplex Models Step 1. Turn your Dell computer on. If it is running already, restart it. All you need to get to the initial display screen to access the BIOS. ...
Make a note of the unique ID under System Disable and your computer Service Tag. Contact Dell for Password Release Code. Method 4 You see a message "Enter System Password" similar to (Figure 8). Figure 8: Enter System Password. Type the password that you might have ...
超出保修期?没有问题。浏览 Dell.com/support 网站,输入您的戴尔服务编号并查看我们的服务。提醒:这些服务仅适用于美国、加拿大、英国、法国、德国和中国大陆地区的个人计算机客户。服务器和存储不适用。 受影响的产品Chromebox, Alienware, Inspiron, Legacy Desktop Models, OptiPlex, Vostro, XPS, G Seri...
戴尔DELL笔记本最新BIOS-中 英文对照表 (有些项目为机器可选配置) General常规信息 Option Description 中文 System Thissectionlistsouttheprimaryhardware 该选项列岀系统的主要硬件信息。此处仅提供信息, Information featuresofthesystem.Therearenoconfigurableoptionsinthissection,onlyinformation. 无法修改。 系统信息 *系...
Boot Sequence启动顺序The computer attempts to boot from the seq 6、uence of devices specified in this list: Diskette drive USB Storage Device CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive. Internal HDD (IRRT) Cardbus NIC Onboard NIC This list specifies the order that the BIOS searches devices when trying to find an...
Thecomputerattemptstobootfromthesequenceof devicesspecifiedinthislist: Diskettedrive USBStorageDevice CD/DVD/CD-RWDrive。 InternalHDD(IRRT) CardbusNIC OnboardNIC ThislistspecifiestheorderthattheBIOSsearches deviceswhentryingtofindanoperatingsystemto
小心: 多数维修只能由经过认证的维修技术人员进行,您仅应按照产品说明文档中的授权,执行疑难排除和简单的维修,或者是 在支持团队在线或电话服务指导下进行.由于进行未被 Dell 授权的维修所造成的损坏不在保修之内.请仔细阅读并遵循产品附带 的安全说明. 小心: 为防止静电放电,请使用接地腕带或不时触摸接地且未上漆的...
The computer attempts to boot from the sequence of devices specified in this list: Diskette drive USB Storage Device CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive. Internal HDD (IRRT) Cardbus NIC Onboard NIC This list specifies the order that the BIOS searches devices when trying to find an operating system to boot....
The Dell BIOS Update Is Essential What is BIOS? BIOS is short for Basic Input/Output System, which is a crucial unit for initializing hardware and preparing runtime services for operating system during the booting process. What if the computer BIOS is too old? The corresponding motherboard may...