Correction to: Biopsy of oral soft tissue lesions by 808 nm and 980 nm diode laser: a morphological and histochemical evaluationdoi:10.1007/s41547-024-00221-9Kaajal Gill Dental College & Research Institute Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan IndiaSimarpreet ...
of the tissue fragments taken by laser surgery, to assess the damage, caused by thermal effect, present in the epithelial and connective tissue.Methods: 17 tissue samples have been examined, taken from patients that at objective examination showed clinical signs of oral disease that required ...
摘要: Background Oral tissue biopsy may be necessary for lesions that cannot be diagnosed on the basis of the history and clinical findings alone. A thorough inspection of the oral cavity should be a part of any complete head and neck examination. Approximately 10% of 年份: 1970 收藏...
Define oral brush biopsy. oral brush biopsy synonyms, oral brush biopsy pronunciation, oral brush biopsy translation, English dictionary definition of oral brush biopsy. n. pl. bi·op·sies 1. The removal and examination of a sample of tissue from a livi
英文: Research progress of tissue-engineered oral mucosa中文: 组织工程化口腔黏膜的研究进展 英文: Developoment of human tissue-engineered oral mucosa中文: 组织工程化人口腔黏膜的构建 英文: An experimental study on the culture of human oral mucosa epithelium using autologous serum中文: 应用人自体血清...
removal of only a part of a lesion by cutting into it. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 in·ci·sion bi·op·sy (in-sizh'ŭn bī'op-sē) Removal of only a part of a lesion by incising into it. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex ...
Throughout the past few decades, the molecular landscape of OSCC biology has remained unknown despite breakthroughs in our understanding of the genome-scale gene expression pattern of oral cancer particularly in lymph node metastasis. Moreover, due to tissue variability in single-cohort studies, ...
In recent years, liquid biopsy has emerged as an alternative method to diagnose and monitor tumors. Compared to classical tissue biopsy procedures, liquid biopsy facilitates the repetitive collection of diverse cellular and acellular analytes from variou
Define brush biopsy. brush biopsy synonyms, brush biopsy pronunciation, brush biopsy translation, English dictionary definition of brush biopsy. n. pl. bi·op·sies 1. The removal and examination of a sample of tissue from a living body for diagnostic pu
1.(Medicine) examination, esp under a microscope, of tissue from a living body to determine the cause or extent of a disease 2.(Medicine) the sample taken for such an examination [C20: from bio- + Greekopsissight] bioptic,biopsicadj ...