根据EUBP数据,2022年全球生物塑料产能接近222万吨,预计到2027年将增长至630万吨,其中生物降解塑料约占57%。在应用领域方面,包装是生物塑料最大的应用市场,占比近48%。此外,汽车、建筑、电子等领域对生物塑料的需求也在持续增长。 欧盟高度重视生物塑料在生物经济中的作用,将其视为实现低碳循环经济的重要手段,在推...
This is expected to grow as bioplastics become more sophisticated and diverse. As of 2022, the total global production capacity of bioplastics was 2.2 million metric tons, and was forecast to continue growing year-over-year, up to 7.4 million metric tons by 2028. Show more - Description ...
Fig. 1.Proportional Use of Bioplastics and their Production by Region as of 2019.(A) The pie chart depicts the use of bioplastics in various sectors ranging from agriculture to packaging. Modified from “Bioplastics facts and figures. Market - vast applications for bioplastics” by European Biopla...
& Bos, H. Bio-based and biodegradable plastics – facts and figures. Focus on food packaging in the Netherlands. Report 1722. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research https://edepot.wur.nl/408350 (2017). Brizga, J., Hubacek, K. & Feng, K. The unintended side effects of bioplastics: ...
Bioplastic labels often confuse consumers:https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/knowledge-centre/resources/can-i-recycle-global-mapping-and-assessment-standards-labels-and-claims Bioplastic production:https://docs.european-bioplastics.org/publications/EUBP_Facts_and_figures.pdf ...
Useful facts and figures in a two-page summary of the global and European bioplastics market. [PDF] The Impact of the Use of "Oxo-degradable" Plastic on the Environment : European Commission, April 2017. A report to the EU following questions over the wisdom of oxo-degradable plastic. The...
https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/plastics-material-specific-data (2019), Accessed 29th Jun 2020 Google Scholar [4] R. de Stephanis, J. Giménez, E. Carpinelli, C. Gutierrez-Exposito, A. Cañadas As main meal for sperm whales: plastics debris Mar...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Today, plastic materials are mostly made from fossil resources, and they are characterized by their long lifetime and pronounced persistence in the open environment. These attributes of plastics are one cause of the ubiquitous pollution we see in our environme...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract The safety of food contact materials is a hot topic since chemicals can migrate from packaging into food, thus raising health concerns about and/or producing changes in the organoleptic properties of foodstuffs. Migration tests are required to demonstrate the co...