如果丢了英国签证ID卡(Biometric residence permit),这个就比较头疼了!请在报警后立刻联系Home Office,注销你丢的那张卡,你需要发邮件到:BRPLost@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk 持卡人姓名、生日、国籍;联系方式;护照号;BRP号(签证卡正面右上角的一排数,趁现在赶快先记下来吧);警方立案号码;什么时候、在哪里、怎么丢...
If your biometric residence permit is lost while you are outside the UK, you must still report this, but you will need to apply for a “replacement BRP visa”, which lets you re-enter the UK once only at a cost of £154. You can then apply for a replacement permit when you retur...
You must still report the loss of your biometric residence permit even if you are outside the UK. However, it would help if you petitioned for a ‘BRP replacement visa,’ which costs £154 and permits you to enter the UK once. Then, when you are back in the UK, you can apply fo...