The FGDs were recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated to English (when conducted in Hindi) and analysed using content analysis.Two themes were identified: Theme (A), 'Challenges in integration of HCWM in organizational practice,' with the categories (I) Awareness and views about HCWM, (II)...
Staff Perception on Biomedical or Health Care Waste Management: A Qualitative Study in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital in India. Griffiths UK, ed. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5):e0128383.Joshi, S.C.; Diwan, V.; Tamhankar, A.J.; Joshi, R.; Shah, H.; Sharma, M.; Pathak, A.; Macaden, ...
Microneedles are gaining popularity as a new paradigm in the area of transdermal drug delivery for biomedical and healthcare applications. Efficient drug delivery with minimal invasion is the prime advantage of microneedles. The concept of the microneedl