IF范围: 中科院分区: 不限1区2区3区4区 SCI/SCIE: 不限SCISCIE 是否OA期刊: 不限是否 排列方式: IF查看数ISSN号自引率 查 询重 置 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA 期刊详细信息 基本信息 期刊名称 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA BIOMED RES-INDIA 期刊ISSN0970-938X ...
A qualitative inquiry was employed to understand the perceived benefits and challenges of research collaborations by biomedical scientists from India (Global South [GS] country) and the Global North (GN). In-depth interviews were conducted with 47 biomedical scientists from India...
IndiaBiomedical research is one of the areas where the rate of progress of science and technology (S&T) is most important. Biomedical related S&T can be used to improve the health care system, reduce the disease burden, and improve the economic status of the poor in the developing world. ...
BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA期刊ISSN:0970-938X 研究方向:医学 影响因子:0 SCI类别:N/A 是否OA:No 出版地:INDIA 年文章数:330 涉及的研究方向:医学-医学:研究与实验官方网站:http://www.biomedres.info/ 投稿网址:http://www.editorialmanager.com/alliedacademies/ PMC链接:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlm...
期刊全名 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA 期刊简称 期刊出版周期 Semiannual 期刊出版社/管理机构 ISSN号:0970-938X 期刊主页 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA主页 期刊评价 您选择的BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA的指数解析如下: 简介:杂志属于行业,“”子行业的不明级别杂志。投稿难度评价:暂不好判断 级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,...
please inform me, Biomedical Research and Biomedical Research India.. Are the same journals? Reply EElena Corera 6 years ago no, they are different publications. You can check it by reviewing ISSNBest regards,SCImago Team AAhmed Elazzazy 6 years ago are this journal have an impact factor?
Nature Biomedical Engineering publishes original research, reviews and commentary of high significance to bench scientists, engineers and clinicians interested in understanding disease or in improving human health or healthcare.
ResearchOpen Access22 Feb 2025Nature Communications Volume: 16, P: 1876 The effect of degumming conditions on the functionality of silk fibroin films Aqueous SF solution is purified through degumming with Na2CO3aqueous solution, followed by water solubilization and dialysis. In the preparation of SF ...
The Indian Council of Medical Research has laid down special guidelines for clinical trials of drugs and medical devices. There is a proposal for establishment of Indian Medical Devices Regulatory Authority, which will regulate the quality control and marketing of medical devices in India. Once ...
Selection of these techniques depends on various parameters like applicability, nature of research problem, ease in implementation and time consumption. The main goal behind this article is to assist the researchers in the field of EEG signal analysis to understand the available methods and also ...