List the two biomes that are dominated by grasses. What are the abiotic factors that control the dominance of grasses in these biomes? Which biome has the lowest primary productivity? a. tundra b. lake c. sandy beach d. prairie e. temperate deciduous forest ...
One of the defining features of the tundra biome is its permafrost, which is a layer of permanently frozen soil that lies just below the surface. This permafrost prevents trees from taking root, resulting in a landscape dominated by grasses, mosses, lichens, and low-growing shrubs. Despite th...
Tundra biome is cold and flat, it is characterized by the lowest temperature of all biomes as well as poor nutrients in the soil, which consequently lead to the presence of short plants, such as moss, shrubs, lichens, and grasses that grow during summer since a thick ice layer is present...
Forest biomes are dominated by trees, with various shrubs and other plants existing under the canopy of trees. These biomes develop in wetter parts of the planet as the process of photosynthesis in trees requires that they transpire large quantities of water....
“biome” byecologists, a term that refers to a biogeographic unit that is distinguished from other biomes by the structure of its vegetation and dominant plant species. A biome is the largest scale at which ecologists classify vegetation. All parts of a biome tend to be within as the same ...
Savannas are dominated by grasses and other herbaceous plants. However, they also have scattered shrubs and tree-sized woody plants that form a very open canopy (a layer of spreading branches). Tropical grasslands and savannas can support a great seasonal abundance of large, migratory animals as...
A Wetland is described by the plant species that live in it. If an area is wet enough for long enough to support a majority of plants that are adapted to wet conditions then you have a wetland. An example might be a patch of land that is dominated by cattails. Since cattails are adap...
Grassland biomesare areas that are continuously dominated and covered by various grass species. This is usually the result of the perfect amount of precipitation that allows root plants like grasses to grow and thrive while still not being enough for larger plants like trees to dominate the area...
Fire significantly transforms ecology and landscapes worldwide, impacting carbon cycling, species interactions, and ecosystem functions. In the Brazilian Cerrado, a fire-dependent savanna, the interaction between fire, society, and the environment is evi
A simulation model, recent experiments, and the literature provide consistent evidence that megafauna extinctions caused by human hunting could have played as great a role as climate in shifting from a vegetation mosaic with abundant grass-dominated steppe to a mosaic dominated by moss tundra in Beri...