The luciferase transgene can be genetically inserted at the first intron of a target gene to act as a surrogate for the gene's endogenous expression in cells and transgenic mice. Alternatively, promoter sequences can be excised and/or amplified from genomic sources or constructed de novo and ...
Based on a large dataset and extensive knowledge from the literature, we show that the ability to bioluminesce may be strongly driven by habitat. We hypothesize that this is probably related to differences in optical properties between pelagic and benthic environments (Fig. 4). While more than ...
B. Bioluminescence can be used to achieve various and sometimes seemingly opposite goals such as frightening away predators or luring prey. C. Bioluminescence can be used by some sea creatures as a form of communication or as a means of identifying an appropriate mate. D. The majority of biolu...
Bioluminescenceimaging is based on the conversion ofluciferinsinto light by theenzymeluciferasefrom insects, such as the North American firefly, and sea species.12,13Bioluminescence imagingcan be used for in vivo detection of various processes in living animals, upon transgene generation expressing lucife...
These studies reveal that T cell proliferation, in the context of graft versus host disease or viral infection, can be visualized in 'real-time' within recipient mice. The luciferase-expressing T cells can also be identified within specific tissue sites in order to determine homing and migration...
The production of extracellular metabolites, such as virulence factors, may lead to the recognition of the bacteria and ultimately destruction by the host immune system36. Therefore, quorum sensing can be used to trigger concerted gene activation in the microbial community to effectively respond to ...
distance. Slowly fading green blobs or pulses of light can be seen coming from the organisms within, often from gelatinous creatures. This type of light display may be used to stun, disorient, or lure prey. Like a wide-eyed deer caught on a road and dazed by headlights, undersea creatur...
Slowly fading green blobs or pulses of light can be seen coming from the organisms within, often from gelatinous creatures. This type of light display may be used to stun disorient, or lure prey. Like a wide-eyed deer caught on a road and dazed by headlights, undersea creatures living ...
(image published with permission from KEGG Database Project, Kanehisa Laboratories, Japan, and the original version can be found Heatmap shows the expression levels of differentially expressed Pex genes indsAlAbd-BanddsAlUnc-4groups. The color key corresponds ...
Fishes control the output of light intensity using different mechanisms which can be categorized as being under control of hormonal or neuronal pathways. Usually, neural control allows fast and direct response to the photocytes while endocrinal systems allow to control the light produced by bacteria...