Statistics and reproducibility Sample sizes were chosen according to common standards. All results were obtained from at least three independent experiments unless otherwise stated in the figure legends. Data collection and analysis were neither performed blind to the conditions of the experiments nor rand...
Statistics were performed in R with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for two-group analyses and Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA for more than two groups. Liver triglyceride analysis Snap-frozen liver tissues (50 mg) were homogenized with ceramic beads using a PowerLyzer (Qiagen). The triglyceride ...
Step 4: Statistics After learning probability, you can take this course to learn the fundamentals of statistical inference and modelling. This program will teach you to define population estimates and margin of errors, introduce you to Bayesian statistics, and provide you with the fundamentals of pr...
a measure of the spread of values within a group; calculated by dividing the sum of each values variation (the difference between the value and the mean) squared by the count (total number of values) minus one confidence interval the level of certainty that the true score falls within a sp...
Table S6. The statistics of 17 benchmark datasets with three methylation types in various species. Table S7. The statistics of raw data with different methylation patterns in three human cell lines. Table S8. The statistics of the data in three human cell lines after sequence similarity ...
Statistics of mitochondrial variable genes and tRNA genes in 5 Dipsacales species. Light blue squares represent the gene presence of at least one complete copy, white squares represent absence, and gray represents the presence of a fragment of the gene. ‘cp’ represents plastid-derived tRNA gene...
Table 2 Descriptive statistics for seedling-related traits of Iranian bread wheat accessions under normal and salinity conditions Full size table Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was used to assess the correlated responses to salt stress among different phenotypic traits. For example, root K+/Na...
Modern Statistics for Modern Biology 书籍目录 在分子生物学中,许多情况涉及计数事件:有多少密码子使用某种拼写,有多少DNA的reads比对到参考序列上,DNA序列中CG的含量。这些计数为我们提供了离散的变量,而不是像质量和强度这样的量是在连续的尺度上测量的。
Key Statistics for Colorectal Cancer. (accessed in 2017). American Institute for Cancer Research. What you need to know about preventing Colorectal Cancer.
Table 1 Statistics for data collection and model refinement of cryo-EM determination Full size table The general architecture of RNAP in the complex (Fig. 3b) is similar to the known structure of a transcription initiation complex21. We identified CedA adopting a ladle-like shape and binding th...