we have provided all NCERT Biology Class 12 chapters. As per their needs, students can click on the link for each chapter and download the PDF for reference. The books also contain questions and answers that will help students prepare properly. Scroll down to ...
Oncologist An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs ...
Ans:Asexual reproduction involves single-parent organisms while sexual reproduction involves the gametes formed from two parents, the male and female. Practical Based Questions An example of budding is Yeast Paramecium Amoeba Tapeworm Ans:A) Yeast 2. Identify the method whi...
Chapter 13 Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions help students to acquaint themselves with answering a particular question in an effective way. All the key-points are solved by our subject experts as per the CBSE guidelines. Students can refer to these solutions to verify their answers and r...
Subject-specific practical skills. As molecular life sciences is a practical based subject, learning and being proficient in practical skills would be essential. Frank recommended that all three areas above should be given sufficient weighting within the degree programme. Furthermore, in order to impro...
Giving consistent names to homologous parts is a practical necessity for comparability. While this may be akin to the establishment of comparative linguistic concepts to allow cross-linguistic comparison, there is an important difference. A morpheme such as a dative, might be doing the same “work...
The results of this research are expected to be a practical tool for preliminary diagnosis. It could be used as a component of health systems and increase the efficiency of treatment process and makes use of previously unused data. It is important to note that the algorithms introduced in this...
Transformations applied to each data point to map the original points into a space in which they become separable with respect to their class. Non-linear regression A model where the output is calculated from a non-linear combination of inputs; that is, the input features can be combined duri...
[254] showed possible practical use of peptide biomarkers in food industry. The discovery phase was based on the isolation of heat-stable proteins of A. simplex, P. krabbei, and P. decipiens, then the use of accelerated in-solution trypsin digestions under an ultrasonic field provided by ...