Gene expression inference with deep learning[github][paper] This deals with a specific prediction task, namely to predict the expression of specified target genes from a panel of about 1,000 pre-selected “landmark genes”. As the authors explain, gene expression levels are often highly correlate...
With the rapid advancements in spatial transcriptome sequencing, multiple tissue slices are now available, enabling the integration and interpretation of spatial cellular landscapes. Herein, we introduce SpaDo, a tool for multi-slice spatial domain analy
The chapter describes an analytical scheme designed for investigating the mathematical discourseMathematical discourse of biology tasksTasks. The scheme was developed in the context of analysing tasks that are part of a fisheries management graduate-level course at a Norwegian university. Grounded in the...
Fig. 1: Daxx loss alters the chromatin landscape and transcription in LT-HSCs.a, Overview scheme of haematopoiesis. ST-HSC, short-term haematopoietic stem cells; MegE, megakaryocyte-erythrocyte; MEP, megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitor; GM, granulocyte-monocyte. b...
The software SerialEM60 was used for automatic data collection under the bidirectional scheme at a 3° interval and tilt angles ranging from −51° to +51°. Each of the final tilt series contains 35 movies with a pixel size of 2.8 Å at an average defocus of ~5 μm and a ...
was recently developed for research software [29], coupled with a scoring system scheme that allows a more objective assessment and evaluation of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles; this strategy could also be applied to benchmarks. Our recommendations also echo a recent...
Transcriptomic analyses can be used to assess functional immune responses within the TME, and a recent paper combining methylation profiling, WGS and RNA-sequencing uncovered a subtype of OAC enriched for both innate and adaptive immune cell types along with increased enrichment of immune regulation ...
Large-scale quantitative analysis of transcriptional co-expression has been used to dissect regulatory networks and to predict the functions of new genes discovered by genome sequencing in model organisms such as yeast. Although the idea that tissue-spec
Actual 2024 AQA GCSE BIOLOGY 8461/2H Paper 2 Higher Tier Question Paper + Mark Scheme Exams University of Nairobi Biology 68 pages 2024/2025 (10) Actual 2024 AQA GCSE BIOLOGY 8461/1H Paper 1 Higher Tier Question Paper + Mark Schem
Form 3 Biology Notes Classification II General Principles of Classification Classification is the science that puts organisms into distinct groups to make