PCR products were gel-purified (Qiaquick, Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and subcloned into pCR 2.1 (TOPO-TA, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) or pGEM- T (Stratagene, Cedar Creek, TX) vectors. At least four trans- formants containing an insert were selected and sequenced in both directions using an ...
Crystallization trials of the GP2 branch region, carried out by sitting drop vapor diffusion using a mosquito robot (TTP Labtech), initially yielded triclinic plates that grew in one week at 293K in 25% (v/v) ethylene glycol. After we determined the structure of this crystal form, we obtai...
yBoryzoozao(aanlsso known as Ectoprocta, Polyzoa or sea mats or moss animals) are aquatic, mostly sessil2e.1c.oGloenniearal laBniiomloaglsy that consist of small modules called zooids. Feeding zooids typically consist of a calcified body wall and a soft-bodied part called polypide; the...
The Long lab, for example, has observed the ability to differentiate alpha-fetal protein (AFP) from AFP bound to its conjugate antibody (AFP-anti-AFP) [85]. In their experiments, they measured translocation events by observing the change in current as the protein or the antibody-bound ...
bioengineering Article Preparation and Biocompatible Surface Modification of Redox Altered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Promising for Nanobiology and Medicine Himansu Sekhar Nanda 1,2 1 Physical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia...
OPTIONAL STEP: In small scale circRNA production procedures, the following gel purification may be omitted and a preparative RNase R exonuclease treatment may be performed to digest remaining linear molecules and obtain exclusively circular RNA (directly to step 3.4.6). Note that rare larger ...
(KORTUC-LABC) [33]; electron- radiosensitization for lesions with local recurrence (KORTUC-REC), including post-radiotherapy lesions; transcatheter arterial chemo-sensitizing embolization treatment (KORTUC-TACE) for locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma; and intra-operative radiosensitization treatment ...
InInadaddidtiiotinontotoprporvoivdiidnigngbabsaiscicmmotoiftsif,st,htehseesesysnytnhtehteicticcicrciruciutsitcsocuoludldbebceocuopulpeldedwwithithdodwownsntsrteraemam prporcoecsessessestotoddyynnamamiciaclalyllycocnotnrtorlolooththerermmoolelceuculalrarsysystsetmems.s.A Anunmumbebrerofofdodwowns...