c, Analysis of Notch-high and Notch-low patients with HSC or without (nHSC) the HSC gene signature (Fishers Exact test). d, Notch-high (n = 113 patients) and Notch-low (n = 113 patients) patients with or without cirrhosis (Fishers Exact test). The proportion of patients ...
In the mammalian liver, hepatocytes exhibit diverse metabolic and functional profiles based on their location within the liver lobule. However, it is unclear whether this spatial variation, called zonation, is governed by a well-defined gene regulatory code. Here, using a combination of single-cell...
Shaw et al. (2000) pursued a different strategy for identifying fly genes that affect sleep: looking for genes that are differentially expressed during periods of waking and sleeping. Among the genes known to be upregulated during sleep in rats, the researchers identified the fly homolog of Hsc...
In this paper, we investigate the question of how to interpret the individual dimensions of a parts-based representation learned by fitting a topic model (in the topic model, the dimensions are also called “topics”). For topics that assign observations to discrete clusters, one could apply a...
发现Cyclophilin A是内在无序蛋白翻译的关键调节者,它可能通过促进相分离和增强细胞抗逆境能力来影响HSC老化。 研究意义 揭示了Cyclophilin A在维持造血干细胞内IDR蛋白翻译中的作用,提出了蛋白质相互作用网络和大分子凝聚可能影响干细胞老化的新观点。 研究不足 目前的研究仅限于Cyclophilin A在HSC中的作用,未来需要进一...
[Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] Stem Cell Microenvironments and Beyond Volume 1041 || Developmental HSC Microenvironments: Lessons from Zebrafish 来自 onAcademic 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 作者:Birbrair,Alexander DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69194-7_4 年份: 2017 ...
More specifically, the inhibition of IL-1Ra in β-glucan-trained WT mice partially reduced the expansion of LKS, LTHSC, LKS+CD150+CD48+ cells, and MPPs. Next, we assessed the impact of impaired IL-1 signaling on the β-glucan-induced protective effects against Mtb in vivo (Figure 5D)....
hsc. The experimental values of KL for lipid-water systems can be related to a drug’s octanol–water partition coefficient (P) by KL ~ P0.7 [111] (with the exponent reported to also range from 0.71 to 0.86 [150] and DL ~ 2 × 10-5.exp...
1, our group reprogrammed the specificity of a modular human E3 ubiquitin ligase called CHIP (carboxyl-terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein) by replacing its natural substrate-binding domain, TPR, with designer “guide” peptides to generate minimal and programmable uAb architectures2,18,19. To ...