Colour indicates geographic region: red - Europe, green - Eastern Mediterranean, blue - Iran-Iraq, purpule - Arabian peninsula, yellow - North-Africa, brown - Ethiopia. Full size image Table 3 Y chromosomal genetic distance matrix (×1000)* Full size table Figure 4 A multidimensional scaling ...
understanding of SV patterns at the population level [11,12,13,14,15] and/or via implementation of pharmacogenomics (PGx) biomarkers [16]. Although great progress is being made in detecting SVs in the human genome and correlating this with phenotypic impact, accurately and precisely identifying S...
Unfortunately, this study did not compare the effect with water-soluble P or phosphate rock, nor was it conducted in actual soil. However, nano-hydroxyapatite increased P content of lettuce (13%), with a corresponding shoot biomass increase (11%), relative to H3PO4(Taşkın et al.2018...
The earliest occurrence of fossils attributed to Homo (H. aff. H. habilis) at 2.33 million years ago (Ma) in Ethiopia (5) makes it temporally antecedent to all other known species of the genus Homo. Within early Homo, the hypodigms and phylo- genetic relationships between H. habilis and...
Standards and reagents: All standards were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich Chemicals Co. (St. Louis, MO). Ultrapure water was obtained from a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bedford, MA). All solvents used were of Optima LC–MS grade and were purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Auckland, New ...
Yet, a previous report of the association of high densities of flies with a community outbreak of gonococcal conjunctivitis in Ethiopia, where genital transmission could not explain the outbreak, suggested that flies and a lack of personal hygiene were important in person-to-person transmission [...
For example, the KCS ACJ61777.1 (GenBank No. EU871787) identified in the biennial grass Lunaria annua used C22:1-acyl-CoA as substrate to synthesize nervonic acid when expressed in the Ethiopia mustard Brassica carinata34, while it elongated C18:1-acyl-CoA to produce mainly eicosenoic acid (...
(GenBank No. EU871787) identified in the biennial grassLunaria annuaused C22:1-acyl-CoA as substrate to synthesize nervonic acid when expressed in the Ethiopia mustardBrassica carinata34, while it elongated C18:1-acyl-CoA to produce mainly eicosenoic acid (C20:1, ω-9) and erucic acid (C22...
Climate Change Effects on Food Security (CLIFOOD) between the Food Security Centre, University of Hohenheim (Germany) and the Hawassa University (Ethiopia), supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (...
For example, basic, conspecific mindreading skills (Grade 3 below) might have been acquired early on in our evolution. However, enhanced levels of human mindreading, or theory of mind, that enable us to cope with current complex societies, might only have evolved at a later stage, i.e.,...