All analyses in mice were done at 2 months post-NFI deletion. Dexamethasone (DEX) was administered continuously since gene deletion to evaluate the long-term effect of immunosuppression on bulge phenotypes. a, Immunofluorescence analysis of FOXP3+ regulatory T-cells (Tregs) around the HF bulge nic...
The term is mostly used in reference to approaches using reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs, see below) or photochromic organic compounds. Photo-activated localization microscopy/stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (PALM/STORM). Coordinate-stochastic nanoscopy concepts based on the ...
Phenomics for photosynthesis, growth and reflectance in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals circadian and long-term fluctuations in heritability Plant Methods, 12 (2016), p. 14 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar An automated high-throughput phenotyping platform was applied to screen 1440 Arabidopsis plants multiple ti...
1.1Origins and Early Uses of the Term “Molecular Biology” The term “Molecular Biology” was first coined by the mathematician and science administrator Warren Weaver (1894–1978). Between 1932 and 1955 he served as director of the Division of Natural Sciences at the RockefellerFoundation, which...
Słomiński A, Bomirski A (1985) Phenotypic changes of Ab hamster melanoma during long-term culture. Anticancer Res Slominski A, Costantino R (1991) L-tyrosine induces tyrosinase expression via a posttranscriptional mechanism. Experientia. 47:721–724. Article...
JBMR Plus. 2018;2(2):62–8. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Adler RA, El-Hajj Fuleihan G, Bauer DC, et al. Managing osteoporosis in patients on long-term bisphosphonate treatment: report of a task force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. J Bone Miner Res. ...
“signal transduction,”“photosynthesis,”“generation of precursor metabolites and energy,”“cellular homeostasis,” and “cell communication”) were enriched only among the DEGs on day 1 of the S treatment, whereas “abscission” was an enriched GO term exclusive to the DEGs on day 2 of the...
To take this into account the rate of synthesis depends on Equation (37) and a second term [Math Processing Error]gIglc and [Math Processing Error]gIg6p, respectively, that describes induction. Although, it is known that high levels of glucose 6-phosphate influence glucose uptake, in the ...
Autophagy is a major intracellular degradation system that derives its degradative abilities from the lysosome. The most well-studied form of autophagy is macroautophagy, which delivers cytoplasmic material to lysosomes via the double-membraned autophago
term frequency inverse document frequency (TFIDF) matrix for all PDB and AF proteins, in which the terms are shape-mers and each protein is equivalent to a document. We performed topic modeling using NMF, which attempts to factorize a matrix of sizen×minto matricesWof sizen×p, andHof ...