With the rapid advancements in spatial transcriptome sequencing, multiple tissue slices are now available, enabling the integration and interpretation of spatial cellular landscapes. Herein, we introduce SpaDo, a tool for multi-slice spatial domain analy
all risk factors including pT, pN, pM stage, tumor size, differentiation, Lauren histology, serum CEA and CA199 levels (Fig.5A). The only exception was overall pathologic stage, which had a similar performance with the deep learning model for prediction of 5-year DFS (AUC: 0.72 vs. 0.71...
The green signal in the middle of X+4 has switched its location to the distal end of 1p+4 as a result of the inversion (Figure 1b). Because no inversion loop has been detected during meiosis of male black muntjacs [24], the whole 1p+4 should remain heterosynaptic except for the two...
The transition zones of the squamous and columnar epithelia constitute hotspots for the emergence of cancer, often preceded by metaplasia, in which one epithelial type is replaced by another. It remains unclear how the epithelial spatial organization is
While doing a challenging crossword, they may realize that if they take a break and come back to the puzzle, they will end up with a solution faster. This is because although students aren’t consciously solving it, their brain is still working in the background subconsciously. It does ...
breeding. To this end, we assessed multiple ML algorithms in this work and determined LightGBM as the optimal solution for GS in terms of both computing efficiency and prediction precision. On hundreds of thousands of samples, LightGBM can complete model training in minutes on a desktop server, ...
Theobroma cacao L. cultivar Matina 1-6 belongs to the most cultivated cacao type. The availability of its genome sequence and methods for identifying genes responsible for important cacao traits will aid cacao researchers and breeders. We describe the se
This approach is consistent with “backward design,” the practice of developing curricula, instruction, and assessments with the end goal in mind. The learning objectives describe what students should know and be able to do, thereby providing clear instructional goals as well as targets of ...
(GCSE) qualifications, which are taken during educational Key Stage 4 when pupils are aged between 14 and 16 years old. At the time, Key Stage 4 marked the end of compulsory education in England. For this analysis, we used two measures of achievement. The first was the capped GCSE score...
Quantitative analysis of SA-β-Gal activity in control NSFs and β-catenin knockdown NSFs (Right). Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (n = 4 biologically independent experiments) (lower graph); ***P < 0.001, two-sided Student’s t test. f Immunofluorescence ...