It is hard to correlate force, torque and localization information. The authors report Combined Optical and Magnetic BIomolecule TWEEZers, COMBI-Tweez, that integrates optical trapping, time-resolved electromagnetic tweezers, and fluorescence microscopy: they demonstrate visualisation of higher order structura...
factors tend to select the organ that is mainly affected. Thus, although relatives of Hashimoto patients and families of pernicious anaemia patients both have higher than normal incidence and titer of thyroid autoantibodies, the relatives of pernicious anaemia patients have a far higher frequency of g...
With the rapid advancements in spatial transcriptome sequencing, multiple tissue slices are now available, enabling the integration and interpretation of spatial cellular landscapes. Herein, we introduce SpaDo, a tool for multi-slice spatial domain analy
At the same time, we used a combined method, during which the students used the program both at home and in class. The classroom discussion was important to follow up and reinforce the students’ work, as the digital game and the types of tasks it involved were new to them. Checking ...
Repetitive DNA sequences playing critical roles in driving evolution, inducing variation, and regulating gene expression. In this review, we summarized the definition, arrangement, and structural characteristics of repeats. Besides, we introduced diverse
The number of triads significantly biased towards the D subgenome were higher in the parental genomic background, compared to their expression when they were introgressed into the synthetic hexaploid background. The distribution of the HEB for the other seven tissues for SHW-C66 is provided in ...
(step 1 in Fig.1). Flux-sum of a metabolite is defined to be the total sum of all the fluxes necessary for the generation or consumption of that metabolite, essentially representing its turnover rate under a pseudo-steady state condition. Biologically, a metabolite with a higher turnover ...
A few contigs had higher numbers of reads, the most numerous being one S. pratensis contig with 258 reads. Table 2 Contig assembly statistics. Combined 454+Sanger contig assembly statistics. Full size table Figure 2 EST Cluster Analysis. Cluster analysis for a.) Coleochaete orbicularis and b....
The number of final research articles from Iraq (n = 75) was generally higher than those reported from other countries in the Arabian Peninsula, with the exception of Saudi Arabia (n = 198), in PubMed and Scopus, and Google Scholar (Supplementary Table S1) for the keywords “multidrug-resi...
Freshly isolated endocervical cells were seeded at a higher density, as they had approximately 1% organoid-forming efficiency compared with 10% observed with ectocervical epithelial cells. The Matrigel droplet was then overlaid with 500 µl of prewarmed human or mouse ecto- or endocervical ...