We hence focus on testing weakly coordinating superchaotropes (WCS), a class of chemicals that we hypothesized to inhibit antibody-antigen interactions while preserving their structure and hence functions (Fig. 1a, b). We searched for weakly coordinating ions based on their utility in isolating ext...
Leister RT, Katagiri F (2000) A resistance gene product of the nucleotide binding site / leucine rich repeats class can form a complex with bacterial avirulence proteins in vivo. Plant J 22:345–354 Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Lellis AD, Kasschau KD, Whitham SA, Carrington JC (2002...
This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 18-29-08043 «Development of methods for the design and high-performance assembly of bacterial genomes on a bacteria model of Mollicutes class» and Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection grant 122030900107...
Proteobacteria are shown at the class level. Relative abundance (RA) less than 2% are grouped into “< 2%”. b, Abundant bacterial genera in L. marina habitats (greater than 1% mean abundance are shown). c, The taxonomic diversity of 539 cultivation-dependent isolates. From inner to outer,...
Because our objective here is to test general hypoth- eses rather than those restricted to a specific system such as the PTS where important information is still missing, the initial system explored here has 64 copies of each class of enzyme, irrespective of whether they are membrane- bound ...
Dot color represents treatment class. The axes represent the variance explained by the first two principal components. B Upset plot showing the intersections and unique sets of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) amongst the treatments. The x-axis shows the categories of the comparison sets, and ...
Long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) are a class of RNA molecules composed of over 200 nucleotides [1], typically lacking the ability for protein translation [2]. This class of RNA molecules plays various crucial biological functions within cells, closely associated with activities such as gene expressio...
Human tubulin beta class IVa (TUBB4A) is highly expressed only in prostate cancer, and is almost non-existent in many normal tissues. TUBB4A interacts with GSK3β and connects to the N-terminus of MYH9 to regulate GSK3β ubiquitination. This not only protects the cell nucleus during cell ...
Here, we used live cell imaging to study the association of a class XI myosin from Arabidopsis with actin filaments in plant cells. We transiently expressed a GFP-fusion protein containing the motor and neck domain of AtMYA2 (MYA2-head6IQ) and looked for its localization in vari- ous ...
. HRS cells in most cases of cHL still express MHC class II, so that also its interaction with the T-cell receptor can be envisioned [105], although this receptor seems to be often occupied by MHC class II-associated invariant chain peptides, indicating deficient loading of MHC class II ...