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Report to the ASMFC South Atlantic State/Federal fisheries management board. https://www.asmfc.org/uploads/file/spotLifeHistoryReportApr10.pdf . Accessed 31 Jul 2024 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (2024) Spot. https://www.asmfc.org/species/spot. Accessed 01 Aug 2024 Barrow J, ...
The report provides a vision and strategy for Earth observation that informs federal agencies responsible for the planning and execution of civilian space-based Earth-system programs in the coming decade, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and ...
Skates and rays, or batoids (class: Chondrichthyes, 26 families and approximately 633 species), are a highly diverse group of elasmobranchs in terms of morphology, distribution, habitat use, and behaviour (Ebert and Compagno2007; Last et al.2016). This group is unified by characteristics such ...
whereb3denotes the proportion of all 3-year-old fish (N3) that returned as jacks,b4is the proportion of all 4‑year‑olds (N4) that returned to spawn, andN5is all 5-year-old fish. We calculated the number of fish in each age class as follows: ...
negative. We calculated F1 score for both 5mCs and 5Cs and used macro F1 score, i.e., average F1 score of 5mC and 5C, as the overall F1 score for each tool. AUC is a performance metric used to evaluate how well a classifier performs on both methylated and unmethylated class ...
A comprehensive survey of the octopus fauna around the Americas is presented to facilitate and accelerate the assessment of a full understanding of America
Cell type enrichment analysis results of mouse and human developmental (dev) and adolescent and adult CNS single-cell datasets. Cell types are annotated based on the class and subclass definitions used by the mouse brain atlases. We further annotated the neurons with their respective neurotransmitter...
Genome-wide association studies conducted on QRS duration, an electrocardiographic measurement associated with heart failure and sudden cardiac death, have led to novel biological insights into cardiac function. However, the variants identified fall pred
their habitats are located generally out of federal special protected areas such as Mordovia State Nature and National Park “Smolny”. Some populations of rare orthopterans live in the regional-value natural monument “Calcareous slope” near the village of Gart. Many habitats of rare species hav...