The central concern of this qualitative-reconstructive case study is to describe and better understand how preservice and in-service biology teachers are enacting their professional vision regarding student alternative conceptions and addressing them in evolution class. For data collection, a video clip w...
As for the action of the pathway of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling, two genes have been studied so far with respect to biocontrol related mechanisms inTrichodermaspp.: the class I (adenylate cyclase inhibiting) G-alpha subunits TGA1 ofT. atrovirideand TgaA ofT. virensas well as the class...
Each class of compounds is separated by a horizontal gray line. b The pharmacophore model based on 25 known Olfr73 agonists. As a prototypical example, the position of isoeugenol in the Olfr73 binding pocket showing the interaction fingerprint. Assignments: H-bond donor (I), H-bond ...
000 species, thereby constituting the largest class of fishes, as well as greater than half of all extant vertebrates1,2,3. The stomach is absent from the gastrointestinal tract in certain Actinopterygii orders, while others have true stomachs that secrete gastric acid and pepsinogen from ...
In addition, seed mass in Arabidopsis has been shown to be regulated by the APETALA2 (AP2) class of transcription factors [16]. Verdier et al. [65] evaluated the expression of transcription factors throughout seed development of Medicago truncatula. They found some 343 transcription factors ...
High-throughput profiling of human tissues typically yield as results the gene lists comprised of a mix of relevant molecular entities with multiple false positives that obstruct the translation of such results into mechanistic hypotheses. From general p
Domain域Kingdom界Phylum门Class纲Order目Family科Genus属Species种 18.1HowAreOrganismsNamedandClassified? Modernclassificationemphasizespatternsofevolutionarydescent In1859,CharlesDarwin(1809–1882)publishedOntheOriginofSpecies Thisworkdemonstratedthatalllifeisrelatedbycommonancestry ...
SVMs comprise a class of supervised machine learning algorithms that can, in principle, separate any two classes of objects. SVMs have been applied extensively to bioinformatic problems from analyses of microarray data to protein fold recognition (for comprehensive reviews, see [25,26]). Recently, ...
Totaled across all 19 families, the putative functional chemoreceptor genes account for about 7% of allC. elegansgenes. Despite this large genetic investment in a single class of genes, our comparison among the three sequencedCaenorhabditisspecies and gene knockdown studies [43] suggest that few if...
chapter 1 eugene koonin national institutes of health bethesda maynard olson university of washington seattle chapter 3 stephen burley the rockefeller university christopher dobson university of cambridge uk david eisenberg university of california los angeles stephen harrison harvard university john kuriyan ...