mcq's important diagrams class 6 class 7 class 8 class 9 class 11 class 12 25 important topics in biology photosynthesis respiratory system mitosis and meiosis human brain cardiac cycle types of teeth rhizobium what are enzymes what are hormones types of fruits biology mcq's molecular biology ...
Class 11Plant Physiology324 Cell and cell cycle114 Structural organization of plants302 Diversity of Life131 Class 12Genetics214 Ecology223 Biology in Human welfare011 Reproduction and sexual reproduction110 Total Questions43 Books play a vital role during the exam preparations. The table given below ...
The plus point is that students can solve these class 10 biology mcqs for free. Students don’t have to pay any cost for accessing our online mcqs, this is our step to empower 10th class students so they can prepare for their board exams from the comfort of their homes. And our online...
In addition to their role in protein synthesis, amino acids also play important roles in metabolism, cell signaling, and other biological processes. This the Part-2 of Amino Acids MCQ with answer key and explanations. You May also like: Amino Acids MCQ Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-...
Vitamins Multiple Choice Questions Introduction Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies need in small amounts for normal growth and development. They … Read more Carbohydrates MCQ Definition: Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The basic buildin...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Vitamins Multiple Choice Questions Introduction Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies need in small amounts for normal growth and development. They … Read more Carbohydrates MCQ Definition: Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The basic building bl...
Ilmkidunya has provides the excellent opportunity of online testing system for the apsirants. This online testing system contains large number of multiple chocie questions related to the subject. 20 percent paper of Biology comprises of objective type and it is necessary for all the students to ...
Get the important frequently asked questions for NEET Syllabus 2023. What is the syllabus for NEET 2023? Answer: The NEET 2023 syllabus covers the core concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. It includes topics from Class 11 and Class 12 curricula...Read full How many chapters are there...
According to the new design, 180 of the 200 questions on the NEET question paper from the three categories of physics, chemistry, and biology must be answered. Section A and Section B are separated into separate sections for each topic. There are 35 and 15 questions in these parts, respecti...