Biology: A Global Approach with Virtual Lab OLP Withetext Online resource, 2015. Pris 1200 kr. Kp Biology: A Global Approach with Virtual Lab OLP withetext, Global Edition (9781292081014) av Neil A Campbell p Neil A Campbell 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 TestGen Test Bank (Download ...
作者:[美] Neil A. Campbell / [美] Lisa A. Urry 出版社:Pearson Education Limited 出版时间:2017-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ,购买Biology : A Global Approach等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
Biology with Mastering Biology Virtual Lab Full Suite, Global Edition This package includes a physical copy of Biology: A Global Approach, 10/e by Campbell as well as access to the eText and MasteringBiology. Your instructor will need to provide you with a course ID in order for you to ac...
Campbell Biology 10th edition_001 下载积分: 10000 内容提示: Chapter 14 Mendelian Genetics Lecture on General Biology 2 Chul-Su Yang, Ph.D., Infection Biology Lab., Dept. of Molecular & Life Science, Hanyang University Campbell Biology 10 th edition A Global Approach ...
作者:Campbell 出版社:pearson 出版时间:2018-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ISBN:9781292170435 版次:11 ,购买Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition 生物学第11版等自然科学相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
edition AGlobalApproach . •Sequencingofthegenomesofmorethan7,000 specieswasunderwayin2010 •DNAsequencinghasdependedonadvancesin technology,startingwithmakingrecombinantDNA •InrecombinantDNA,nucleotidesequencesfrom twodifferentsources,oftentwospecies,are ...
Campbell Biology Global Edition Twelfth edition a global approach - Pearson (2022)_部分4 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Figure 42.1 For this herring gull, dinnertime has arrived. Once this meal has been taken in, the tissues of the sea star will be taken apart and its nutrients taken up. ...
A‘Wikipedia for cells’: researchers get an updated look at the Human Cell Atlas, and it’s remarkable Coming less than a decade after its launch, the studies emerging from the global project are a major achievement. Funders should sign up for the long haul. ...
Hinsley and colleagues explore trends in the global wildlife trade, developing a novel machine-learning approach to analyse patent filing related to important taxa from 1970 to 2020. They found higher per year increases in these taxa compared with background trends, giving insight into how wildlife...
To investigate the microbial mechanisms of the N regime shift, we first conducted a global meta-analysis to quantify the wetland reclamation impacts on soil mineral N pools and then a field campaign to sample 24 soil cores up to 100 cm depth in a natural wetland and a 23-year cultivated ...