Obsolete term for small aquatic organisms (mostly protozoans, rotifers, one-celled algae); primarily used for protozoans. 滴虫类:已过时的术语,旧指小型水生生物(主要是原生动物、轮虫、单细胞藻类),主要指原生动物。【译者注:也有生物学家将之视为纤毛虫门(Ciliophora)的同义词。】 Inheritance, blending. ...
4.Such a perspective fundamentally changes our view of biological evolution. 这种观点从根本上改变了我们对生物进化的看法。 5.We have, in our minds, a very specific, biological notion of what contagiousness means. 6.She had a biological sister who was staring at her, and who looked just like...
a basis for explaining human genetic diversityan aid to understanding different populationsan explanation for social and cultural differencesa term to describe individual human characteristicsmodern genetics research is likely to fuel racial conflictsrace is a poorly defined marker of human genetic diversity...
A Long-Term Coculture Model for the Study of Mast Cell–Keratinocyte Interactions - ScienceDirect Physiologic and pathologic events associated with cutaneous differentiation and repair are the result of a concerted action of various types of resident ti... M Artuc,UM Steckelings,A Grützkau,.....
therapies in breast cancer. We studied the molecular response to the investigational ERα antagonist and degrader, giredestrant, in preclinical models and biopsy samples. We found that long-term inhibition or dysfunction of ERα result in cell plasticity with implications for therapeutic sensitivity....
Evolution is considered the unifying concept in biology and is also a key theory underlying many areas of human knowledge. Teaching evolution from as early as kindergarten allows children to better understand concepts related with the biological world an
Biological warfare (germ warfare) is defined as the use of any disease-causing organism or toxin(s) found in nature as weapons of war with the intent to destroy an adversary. Though rare, the use of biological weapons has occurred throughout the centurie
We used the IC of a GO term as a proxy for its usage and specificity. The IC of a GO termtis defined as negative log likelihood IC(t) = −log2P(t), whereP(t) is the probability of findingtwithin all GO annotations for human genes of a given year. We calculated the IC ...
Nitroaromatics form an important group of recalcitrant xenobiotics. Only few aromatic compounds, bearing one nitro group as a substituent of the aromatic r
Nature Ecology & Evolution volume 6, pages 701–708 (2022)Cite this article 3631 Accesses 25 Citations 159 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Human impact increasingly alters global ecosystems, often reducing biodiversity and disrupting the provision of essential ecosystem services to humanity. Therefore,...