Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Biological PerspectiveReddy, K. JayasankaraRamesh, AdithyaInternational Journal of Child Development & Mental Health
Answer to: Psychologists with a biological perspective study the links between ___ and behavior. (a) brain activity (b) heredity (c) hormone...
First, from the developmental science perspective, a comprehensive understanding of perceptual development requires that descriptions of developmental stages be augmented with hypotheses about their functional significance. Findings from the presented work provide such hypotheses and, thereby, an account for ...
whichtheydonot.Fromasociologicalperspective,ambiguityandincompleteinstitutionalizationprovide littleguidanceforstepparentsinmanagingthesecomplexlivingarrangements,which may lead to equal investment in all children, regardless of relationship. Men who take on the stepparent role may be selected ...
Conceptualizing biological father presence as a proxy for family role development, results are interpreted from a role development theoretical perspective. The latent growth curve model was compared based on child ethnoracial status (African American, Caucasian, Hispanic) and child gender. Consistent ...
A decision point between transdifferentiation and programmed cell death priming controls KRAS-dependent pancreatic cancer development The involvement of cell death pathways in the early stage of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) development, especially KRAS-dependent acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM), ...
Theory predicts that biological processes of aging may contribute to poor mental health in late life. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated prospective associations between biological age and incident depression and anxiety in 424,299 UK Biobank particip
the biotechnology of cyanobacteria; the reasons why glucose is the principal source of energy for living beings; post-transcriptional effects of estrogen on gene expression; sialylation mechanism in bacteria and the evolution biology of health and disease clinical medicine from a Darwinian perspective. ...
For the child, adoption represents a filiation breakup with birth parents and a filiation creation with adoptive parents, a lifelong process of the persons involved in this triangle of biological parents, adoptive parents, and the child. Birthmothers nee
The role of dipteran predators in biological pest control programs is reviewed and discussed. Diptera encompasses a large number of potentially efficient p