Fly Eliminators are gnat-sized parasitic wasps used for biological fly control in livestock facilities, on farms, near food production areas and around homes. They specifically target developing (pupal) stages of manure breeding flies. Female Fly Eliminators seek out their target host – usually near...
Can the African weaver ant be used as a vector of entomopathogenic fungi to bolster the biological control of tephritid fruit fly pests? Thibault Nève de Mévergnies, ... Anaïs Chailleux March 2025View PDF Research articleOpen access
Can the African weaver ant be used as a vector of entomopathogenic fungi to bolster the biological control of tephritid fruit fly pests? Thibault Nève de Mévergnies, ... Anaïs Chailleux March 2025View PDF Research articleOpen access
A parasitic wasp (biological control agent) injects an egg into a pest caterpillar. The wasp will develop inside the caterpillar, eventually killing it. Credit: The University of Queensland Biological control of insect pests – where ‘natural enemies’ keep pests at bay – is savi...
A method is provided for the biocontrol of horn fly for protecting livestock. The method includes defining an area for managing the livestock and placing a number of wasp's hives containing wasps of the species , in an effective amount to control the flies. A honey containing food for the ...
11. Control of wireworms and the horn fly has not, so far, met with success. 12. The colonisation of a number of species of insect enemies of Lantana , from Mexico, afford the first example of pest plant control by this method. The restraint which they have exercised, more especially ...
Successful biological control of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) by the gall fly Cecidochares connexa (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Papua New Guinea, in: Wu, Y., Johnson, T., Sing, S., Raghu, S., Wheeler, G., Pratt, P., Warner, K., Center, T., Goolsby, J., Reardon, R. (Eds.)...
this is exactly the type of problem described by researchers in the past (e.g., Clarke1993). Howarth (2000) cited the example of sciomyzid flies introduced into Hawai’i for snail control. The program, aiming to introduce the marsh flySepedon sauteriHendel (Diptera, Sciomyzidae), ended...
Our results suggest that intraguild predation was not an issue since ground dwelling predators did not have a negative impact on the level of natural pest control by parasitoids. Finally, early predation by ground dwelling predators on the cabbage root fly, the most harmful pest in this study, ...
Aphidius gifuensis is a parasitoid wasp and primary endoparasitoid enemy of the peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae. Artificially reared, captive wasps of this species have been extensively and effectively used to control populations of aphids and limit c