Definition of biological diversity noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Define Biological diversity. Biological diversity synonyms, Biological diversity pronunciation, Biological diversity translation, English dictionary definition of Biological diversity. n. 1. The number and variety of species found within a specified geog
Define biological filters. biological filters synonyms, biological filters pronunciation, biological filters translation, English dictionary definition of biological filters. also bi·o·log·ic adj. 1. Of, relating to, caused by, or affecting life or li
A combination of different analytical tasks (e.g., multi-modal integration and cross-modal analysis) is required to comprehensively understand such data, inferring how gene regulation drives biological diversity and functions. However, current analytical methods are designed to perform a single task, ...
DEXSeq does not allow a definition of a baseline as that is more abstract in differential splicing; however, pairedGSEA ensures the log fold changes correlate between the two analyses. As an alternative to DESeq2/DEXSeq, pairedGSEA can also do the differential analyses using limma. Here, a ...
Biological warfare (germ warfare) is defined as the use of any disease-causing organism or toxin(s) found in nature as weapons of war with the intent to destroy an adversary. Though rare, the use of biological weapons has occurred throughout the centurie
Deciphering the functional organization of large biological networks is a major challenge for current mathematical methods. A common approach is to decompose networks into largely independent functional modules, but inferring these modules and their orga
It includes a glossary of terms (in other contexts these might be called properties, elements, fields, columns, attributes, or concepts) intended to facilitate the sharing of information about biological diversity by providing identifiers, labels, and definitions. Darwin Core is primarily based on ...
Germline is inviolable.By definition, once a germline is established, somatic cells cannot become a part of germline; i.e., theWBcannot be violated. The germ/soma distinction described above is predicated upon this notion of a definite, one-way relationship between these categories of cells; th...
In recent decades, a great diversity of lipid nanoparticles was developed to serve as delivery platforms to transport drugs, molecules and RNA [84]. However, compared with artificial liposomes, vesicles derived from cells have natural advantages, including intercellular communication, recognition and targ...