Newer biological theories attribute important adaptive functions to human art and thus provide an important, so far mostly overlooked factor that may explain the survival of modern humans and the disappearance of the Neanderthals. The oldest known objects unambiguously identifiable as art were found in...
Genetic variation, the genetic difference between individuals, is what contributes to a species’ adaptation to its environment. In humans, genetic variation begins with an egg, several million sperm, and fertilization. The egg and the sperm each contain 23 chromosomes, which make up our gene...
Proteins are the main effector molecules on cellular function and represent the largest class of drug targets1 but have been largely inaccessible at scale in human studies. Broad-capture profiling platforms can now measure thousands of proteins in blood putting humans back at the centre of basic an...
Proteins are the main effector molecules on cellular function and represent the largest class of drug targets1 but have been largely inaccessible at scale in human studies. Broad-capture profiling platforms can now measure thousands of proteins in blood putting humans back at the centre of basic an...
Anthropology is the study of humans. Many parts of the human experience get dissected in anthropology. It uses a holistic approach and includes studying both the present (through social anthropology) and the past (through archaeology). Biological anthropology studies how humans evolve, adapt, and va...
Do humans influence animal evolution? Justify your answer. In the context of animal behavior and evolution, under what sorts of circumstances would one expect to see altruistic behavior, and why? Explain how natural selection can...
Late-life depression occurring in older adults is common, recurrent, and malignant. It is characterized by affective symptoms, but also cognitive decline, medical comorbidity, and physical disability. This behavioral and cognitive presentation results fr
The inclusion of sex as a biological variable in research is absolutely essential for improving our understanding of disease mechanisms contributing to risk and resilience. Studies focusing on examining sex differences have demonstrated across many level
This graph contains many examples of “fitness-neutral sets”—rules that have the same fitness and that can be transformed into each other by mutations. A few examples of such fitness-neutral sets: In the first case here, the “morphology of the phenotypic p...
Understand the definition of biological fitness, discover what fitness evolution is, learn what causes biological fitness evolution and explore some examples of biological fitness. Related to this Question Explore our homework questions and answers library ...