If you earned a bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics, you took several courses in statistics, algebra, and calculus. There are fewer courses in statistics at the graduate level. Examples of the topics you may see in a statistics class are maximum likelihood, nonparametric methods, correlation, re...
Standard masters programs immerse students in theoretical concepts with practical exposure and project-based learning during research work [9]. Some masters programs, especially in Africa, are knowledge-ori- ented and exam-oriented and do not offer the depth of technical expertise needed to prepare ...
This course is an elective for all students in the Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics. Open to other graduate students with permission from the MSc BMI program and course director. Important Note: Changes may occur to the syllabus at the instructor's discretion. When changes are made,...
Standard masters programs immerse students in theoretical concepts with practical exposure and project-based learning during research work [9]. Some masters programs, especially in Africa, are knowledge-ori- ented and exam-oriented and do not offer the depth of technical expertise needed to prepare ...
It was during her Masters when she discovered the world of bioinformatics and received training in writing code. She obtained a Dr. rer. nat. degree for the work that she did on virus evolution and computational virus discovery at the Charité Institute of Virology in Berlin, under the ...