中文书名:《弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙:图像传记》 英文书名:VIRGINIA WOOLF: An Illustrated Biography 作者:Ella Bucknall 出版社:W&N 代理公司:David Higham/ANA/Conor 页数:待定 出版时间:2024年6月 代理地区:中国大陆、台湾 审读资料:大纲、样章 类型:传记和回忆录 内容简介: “你觉得,有可能将一个人的一生付诸文字吗?
在书中,昆汀并不想评价任何一个人,任何一个行为。Try not to be judgemental,which I think, is the most important elements a biography write should have.即使在Virginia的暮年生活里,昆汀与她已经有了实际生活上的,记忆清晰的接触和往来,作者依旧没有大张旗鼓,大肆渲染他们的姑侄往来,作为第一手的卖点。这...
(1882-1941) British writer. Virginia Woolf became one of the most prominent literary figures of the early 20th century, with novels likeMrs. Dalloway(1925),Jacob's Room(1922),To the Lighthouse(1927), andThe Waves(1931). Birth and Early Life Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen ...
Virginia Woolf provides insight into her early life in her autobiographical essays, including Reminiscences (1908), 22 Hyde Park Gate (1921), and A Sketch of the Past (1940). Other essays that provide insight into this period include Leslie Stephen (1932). She also alludes to her childhood ...
The Moth and the Star: A Biography of Virginia WoolfThe Moth and the Star: A Biography of Virginia Woolf - 1955, Page 3 by Aileen Pippett. Read The Moth and the Star: A Biography of Virginia Woolf now at Questia.By Aileen Pippett...
Young Virginia soon fell deep into the world of literature. In 1912, eight years after her father's death, Virginia married Leonard Woolf, a brilliant young writer and critic from Cambridge, England, whose interests in literature as well as in economics and the labor movement were well ...
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 (Virginia Woolf,1882.1.25-1941.3.28) 是一位英国女作家和女权主义者。在两次世界大战期间,伍尔夫是伦敦文学界的一个象征。出生于伦敦的伍尔夫是在家中接受教育的,在结婚以前,她的名字是艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·斯蒂芬(Adeline Virginia Stephen)。在1895年,她的母亲去世之后,她也遭遇了第一次的精神崩溃。
THE VOYAGE OUT (1915) was Virginia Woolf's first book. In 1919 appeared NIGHT AND DAY, a realistic novel about the lifes of two friends, Katherine and Mary. JACOB'S ROOM (1922) was based upon the life and death of her brother Toby. ...
作者 Virginia Woolf 出版社 Penguin 出版时间 2000年9月 第1版 ISBN 9780141184272 定价 68.00 内容简介 Orlandohasalwaysbeenanoutsider...Hislongingforpassion,adventureandfulfilmenttakeshimoutofhisowntime.Chasingadreamthroughthecenturies,heboundsfromElizabethanEnglandamdimperialTurkeytothemodernworld.Willhe...
One of the greatest literary figures of the twentieth century, Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. The daughter of the prominent literary critic Sir Leslie Stephen, she was educated in the literary and intellectual atmosphere of her home. Her mother died in 1895, and after the death ...