“People don’t realize how a man’s whole life can be changed by one book.” –Malcolm X / Malik El-Shabazz,The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told To Alex Haley) Running from 1940-1952, Will Eisner’sThe Spiritwas a newspaper insert back when publishers could afford to do such awes...
Parks was arrested and booked for violating the Montgomery City Code. At her trial a week later, in a 30-minute hearing, Parks was found guilty and fined $10 and assessed $4 court fee. The History of Public Transit Integration Inside Claudette Colvin’s Little-Known Bus Protest Rosa ...
Malcolm X Ethel Kennedy MLK Almost Didn’t Say “I Have a Dream” Huey P. Newton Martin Luther King Jr. Didn’t Criticize Malcolm X 5 Crowning Achievements of Maya Angelou 30 Civil Rights Leaders of the Past and Present Dred Scott
“One very readable book from Yale University Press’s Jewish Lives series is a biography of Alfred Dreyfus, the man at the centre of the Dreyfus Affair. It was a cause célèbre that rocked 19th-century France, but as historian Maurice Samuels points out in the introduction, not much attent...
Is the book The Help fiction or nonfiction? Is One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich nonfiction? Is The Bell Jar a memoir? Is Life After Life a Christian book? How is The Autobiography of Malcolm X written? Is Tuesdays with Morrie an autobiography?
…as the book had proceeded I had come to think of it as being about politics itself: how hard it is, the price that is paid in the struggle to make change, and both the necessity and inevitability of compromise, even when- as with climate change- such compromise may do us in. I ...
A recent poll of British readers revealed Tolkien's Lord of the Rings to be their overwhelming choice as the all-time favorite British book. This news caused much clucking among the intelligentsia, who know, of course, that it is far from the greatest work of English literature. Yet even ...
Share on Facebook Wikipedia psy·cho·bi·og·ra·phy (sī′kō-bī-ŏg′rə-fē) n.pl.psy·cho·bi·og·ra·phies 1.A biography that analyzes the psychological makeup, character, or motivations of its subject:"We are given a kind of psychobiography which ultimately pictures a deepl...
In what point of view is the book Old Yeller written? What point of view is Young Goodman Brown written in? What point of view is The Pearl written in? What point of view is Animal Farm written in? In what point of view is The Hunt for Red October written?
Awards / Malcolm X Biography Earns Hooks Institute Book AwardThe Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change at theUniversity of Memphis has chosen as this...Guenther, Curt