Henry James Biography Early Life Henry James (1843–1916), American author, was born in New York on the 15th of April 1843. His father was Henry James (1811–1882), a theological writer of great originality, from whom both he and his brother, Professor William James, derived their psy...
Henry James(April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916), younger brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James, was a British-American author of the late 19th and early 20th century, best known for novels and novellas based upon themes of morality. He favored internal, psychological drama;...
Henry James, Jr. was born in New York, NY, on April 15, 1843. His father was an eccentric intellectual, also named Henry James. His grandfather, known as William of Albany, at one time owned much of Schenectady, New York. However, that wealth was split between many children, so Henry...
Eimers'J.A Brief Biography of Henry James[A].In G.W.Zacharias(ed.)A Comlmnion to Henry James[C].Oxford:Blackwell Pub iishing,2008.Eimers.J A Brief Biography of Henry James[A].In G.W,Zacharias(ed.)A Companion to Henry Jame s[C],Oxford:Blackwell Pub--...
Henry James was born in New York in 1843. His father, Henry James, Sr., had inherited a considerable sum of money, and spent his time in leisured pursuit of theology and philosophy. The father often wrote essays and treatises on aspects of religion and philosophy and developed a certain ...
Free collection of all James Henry Leigh Hunt Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by James Henry Leigh Hunt.
This relationship is known known as "Joule's First Law." A portrait of James Prescott Joule by Charles Henry Jeens.Lesson Quiz Course 18K views James Joule Biography James Prescott Joule was born in 1818, in western England, in the city of Salford. His father was Benjamin Joule, a ...
James Allen was author of the Self-Help classic As a Man Thinketh and many other books. Most of his books are now available in ebook form for immediate download.
to Melville’s progress through as many of his days as could be restored, so that the reader may watch him as he works, sees, reacts, worries — to make those seventy-two years, from 1819 to 1891, and a portion of the America they were lived in, in Henry James’s word, visitable...
… At 10.30 am, Admiral Lord Keith, accompanied by Sir Henry Bunbury, Under Secretary of State for War, boarded “Bellerophon” and asked to be received by the one which the English refuse to address as “Emperor” and that they refer to simply as “General Bonaparte”. Without preamble,...