B. R. Ambedkar publishedWhat Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables. He prefaced it with a dedication to "F", Fanny or Frances Fitzgerald, a widowed Irishwoman who was his longtime friend. This dedication gives us some clues as to the nature and complexity of their relationship....
Dr. Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar: The Father of the Indian Constitution, he was born on April 14, 1891 in Mhow in Madhya Pradesh. His parents belonged to the Mahar Caste, which was considered as 'untouchable'.
It is in this spirit of Ambedkar's encounter to the dominant Brahmanical hegemonic forces that the title of the pictorial text under consideration, 'Bhimayana', gains relevance – that is, in providing a counter-epic to the dominant Brahmanical, nationalist epic of the Ramayana; it subverts...