About the Author Garry Gay was born in Glendale, California in 1951. He received a BPA degree from Brooks Institute of Photography in 1974 and has been a professional photographer since his graduation. He is skilled in all formats and has been creating digital images since 1993. His award win...
In each case fascinating historical and biographical information about the author's research is provided. With someclever sleuthing—tests that can track down ancestral origins, donor numbers, and bits of biographical information—parents andoffspring can find out the donors. You can contribute biograph...
During an earlier regeneration, the author of this article found himself living as an academic. He held three degrees from Queen’s University in Fine Art, Art History and Film Studies in a death-like vice grip, describing himself at the time as an Installation Artist, Pop Culture Junkie and...
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Dictionary, Biographical a work containing information about the lives and work of various persons, usually listed alphabetically; some dictionaries classify persons by time period or descri...
The biography of a writer or an artist may serve as a genre in which the object of study indirectly becomes the vital and personal basis for the author’s creative art (in its connection with his world view, social factors, and literary milieu). In the early examples of biography (in an...
The author does not go into anybiographicaldetailabout his intellectual development as a sixties radical except to say that he was one. From theCambridge English Corpus We need to resist, as much as possible, the temptation of contextualizing the diary withbiographicaldetailbecause that detail is ...
a(I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) It was difficult for the author to win the election due not so much to her racial background as to her sex. (我宁可比的女性黑的) 不非常赢取竞选交付对她的种族背景至于她的性作者是难的。[translate] ...
Te Shao also did much to revive the Ti’en T’ai teachings in China; his disciple Yen Shou was also considered a patriarch of the Pure Land school, and was a great scholar and prodigious author.) *In some books he is referred to as Ti Ts’ang, in others, Lo Han; he lived for ...
August 28.Kay’s will is made public. She leaves small divisions of her estate to friends, though at least $1,000,000 of her life fortune is left to The Seeing Eye of Morristown, New Jersey. 1976 [Author George Eells’Ginger, Loretta, and Irene Who?is published by G.P. Putnam’s...
“ball”, because he has a round head. We learn about the circumstances of the attempted murder of Mademoiselle Stangerson from an article in the “Matin”, a leading newspaper of the time (I wonder if the author copied this from Englishman, B. L. Farjeon, who used this device very ...