Carlos Drummond de Andrade Fernando Pessoa Castro Alves Mahatma Gandhi Dom Pedro I Charles Chaplin Dom Pedro II Lima Barreto Princesa Isabel Adolf Hitler Heitor Villa-Lobos Princesa Diana Barão de Mauá Chiquinha Gonzaga Anita Garibaldi Chico Buarque de Holanda ...
Limongi, Maria IsabelDissertations & Theses - GradworksCIPLIJAUSKAITE, Birute (1989): "Escribir entre dos exilios: las voces femeninas de la generacion del `27 (Ernestina de Champourcin, Maria Teresa Leon y Concha Mendez)", en SOTELO, Adolfo et alii (ed.), Homenaje al profesor Antonio ...
a corporation that sells and distributes Yamaha products in El Salvador, according to an article in the digital newspaper El Faro. He also served as the President and Director of OBERMET, S.A. DE C.V.