Closely related haplotypes separated by a few mutational steps were usually limited to adjacent populations within the same mountain regions, while divergent haplotype clusters were found in differ- ent regions (Figs 1 and 2). Cluster A contained the largest number of haplotypes and spanned ...
The results of this analysis are proposed as a working hypothesis that can perhaps be supported in the future with new data from other complementary regions of America or with more intense surveys in the areas already explored. They are inconsistent with the hypothesis of cosmopolitan distribution ...
Apart from the records from Bohemia (e.g., Barrande, 1867; Prantl, 1948; Bouček, 1964), and, more recently, Morocco (Gutiérrez-Marco and Vinn, 2018), Upper Ordovician cornulitids from other regions of this palaeobiogeographical province are poorly known. They have been reported, often ...
Results and discussion To elucidate patterns of global butterfly diversification in space and time, we used targeted exon capture8 to assemble a dataset of 391 gene regions (161,166 nucleotides and 53,722 amino acids) from 2,244 butterfly species (Supplementary Table 1). The majority (1,914...
the AO by an expansion starting 6000 years B.P. The large differentiation between the two oceanic regions and the absence of population structure within each ocean basin highlight the need for two large management units and call for future conservation programs at the oceanic rather than local ...
Compared to present and mid-Holocene projections, LGM potential distributions shifted southward. The main Mediterranean peninsulas (i.e. Iberia, Italy, Balkans) retained suitable conditions, although reduced in extent, but extensive regions of the Sahara, which were largely unsuitable in the present ...
In contrast to the mainly New World distribution of Iguanidae, extant acrodont families are distributed primarily in tropical or subtropical regions of the Old World [1]. Agamids are widely distributed in Asia (including Indoaustralian Archipelago), Australasia and Africa. Chamaeleonids can be seen...
Compared to present and mid-Holocene projections, LGM potential distributions shifted southward. The main Mediterranean peninsulas (i.e. Iberia, Italy, Balkans) retained suitable conditions, although reduced in extent, but extensive regions of the Sahara, which were largely unsuitable in the present ...
geographic origins, habitats and insect hosts. To achieve these targets we have analyzed the complete mt genomes ofB. bassianaandB. brongniartii, selected the two most variable intergenic regions and constructed the phylogenetic relationships of a number of isolates for determining their biogeographic ...
Soil texture and moisture conditions are further corroborated as key factors affecting diversity by our predicted soil viral diversity atlas, revealing higher diversity in humid and subhumid regions. In addition, the binomial degree distribution pattern suggests a random co-occurrence pattern of soil ...