Recognizing the importance that cases have for the way medical ethicists do ethics is essential in order to appreciate the field as a form of applied philosophy. Like other forms of representation, narrative has distinct and defining features, which ethicists, in order to understand the data of ...
Review:“Introduction to Bioethics”, presented by The Kennedy Institute of Ethics on YouTube, is a comprehensive series designed to introduce learners to the broad field of bioethics through accessible video lectures. This course covers fundamental topics such as bioethics history, ethical theories in...
of anthropologists who have engaged bioethical concerns in nontraditional spaces of inquiry.Ticktin 2006examines the moral logics that undergird the treatment of undocumented immigrants in France.Garcia 2010proposes an ethics of care for heroin addicts that is grounded in community-based social ...
and 2.0” is their relative risk of dying.” This chart shows that no matter your insurance status, family income, or type of work, you were far more likely to die during this pandemic if you were black than if you were any other kind of person. This...
Intersectionality is a concept that originated in Black feminist movements in the US-American context of the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the work of feminist scholar and lawyer Kimberlé W. Crenshaw. Intersectional approaches aim to highlight the in
(Menachery et al.2015). Serial passaging is a form of experimentation in which one infects animals with a pathogen and then inoculates other animals with secretions or other biomaterials from the original hosts, based on signs or symptoms they display, such as degree of illness. Passaging is...
There is another challenge for the utilitarian activist. Inethics, probably more than in any other discipline, doctrines tend to become almost inseparable in the imagination from their most prominent advocates. Marx notoriously describedJeremy Benthamas "a desiccated calculating machine". Bentham's most...
Students should really be pissed off that professors get away withthis type of fraudwhen students receive steep penalties. What makes this all even more bizarre and insulting is thatDr. Evans is on the boardof Penn’s Scattergood Program for the Applied Ethics of Behavioral Healthc...
Good bioethics must be empirical in the sense that it engages with actual ethical issues and does so in a way that reflects their nuances. It must also be Socratic in the sense that it develops a moral argument. Armchair ethics is unlikely to have the content and nuance that is required ...
As such, it adopts the Welfarist account of enhancement that is almost synonymous with the dictionary definition of the word ‘enhancement’: “an intervention which increases the chance of a person having a good life” (Savulescu 2006). Setting out a simple definition allows us to move past ...