BookReviews : Johnstone M-J 1994: Bioethics: a nursing perspective, second edition. Sydney: Saunders/Baillière Tindall. 574pp. 21.00 (PB). ISBN 0 7295 1421 8doi:10.1177/096973309600300212JuliusSimSageNurs Ethics
In Nursing ethics, ed. Shinji Hamauzu and Mihoko Miyawaki, 1–18. Tokyo: Maruzen. [In Japanese]. Nakagawa, Yonezo. 1964. Apology of medicine. Tokyo: Seishin Shobo. [In Japanese]. Ohinata, Terumi, and Yoshie Inaba. 2009. Examination about contents construction of “nursing ethics” in ...
Some scholars have viewed Ubuntu as the greatest contribution of African cultures to other world cultures. None of the scholars, however has explored the culture of Ubuntu as providing a representative indigenous ethics that can contribute to global bioethics as discussed in this book. ...
Bioethics of cancer nursingLevine ME.doi:10.1002/j.2048-7940.1982.tb02246.xLevineMyra E.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Enterostomal Therapy
The challenge of cross cultural bioethics in the 21st century: bioethics in nursing: a satellite meeting at the 9th World Congress of Bioethics, Rijeka, Croatia, 3--8 September, 2008.doi:10.1177/0969733009102705MoranaUniversity of RijekaBrkljacic...
An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00005217-200118040-00010SalladaySusan A.Journal of Christian Nursing
All Rights Reserved.doi:10.1111/j.1466-769X.2007.00228.xDerek SellmanJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nursing Philosophy
Discussion: Tran cultural Nursing stipulates the provision of culturally coherent and responsible care which should be reasonably adapted to the needs of the values, beliefs and realities of the patient's way of life. In attending adolescents of Japanese descent, the recognition of this culture's ...
To understand this situation it is extremely useful to acknowledge the influence of two close ideas: one is that “affections are construed; they are not in the blood”; the other is well resumed in the colloquial sentence “all you need is love”, an attractive andquasiintuitive aphorism whi...
Focuses on the Fourth World Congress of Bioethics sponsored by the International Association of Bioethics on November 4-7, 1998 in Tokyo, Japan. Several topics presented in concurrent sessions; Other highlights of the event.DavisAnneJSageNursing Ethics...