The study analyzes the biodiversity research output carried out during 2003–12 on different parameters including; share and citation impact, international collaborative papers, contribution of various subject fields, productivity and citation profile of top Indian institutions and authors. The Web of Scien...
Intertidal biodiversity profile of Majali coast (140 53'53 98" N: 740 05'45 71" E and 140 54'00 46" N: 740 05'28 71" E) is very high compared to other coastal lines of the Uttara Kannada district. Exploration and documentation of the biotic community of ...
Someone recently said, "Assertions about the importance of HBD [human biodiversity] are rife on the internet among high-IQ bloggers." We thus created the following bibliography to aid those interested in human biodiversity. The bibliography is eclectic and a work in progress. Its creators do ...
Despite the relatively low profile of launch activities in conservation discussions, reports of their adverse ecological impacts have emerged48,49. Space rocket accidents in Kazakhstan, for instance, have led to chemical contamination of soil and reduced vegetation cover, as well as disturbances to ...
Biodiversity of Assam: Status strategy and action plan for conservation Geographic profileEcological profileSocio-economic profileAdministrative profileStatus of biodiversityPant diversityMedicinal plant diversityBamboo diversityCane diversityOrchid diversityAquatic plant diversityEndemic floraRare and endan... AKE ...
Despite the relatively low profile of launch activities in conservation discussions, reports of their adverse ecological impacts have emerged48,49. Space rocket accidents in Kazakhstan, for instance, have led to chemical contamination of soil and reduced vegetation cover, as well as disturbances to ...
2010|Profile Jeff Waage-building a coalition of disciplines for global health Kirby, Tony 2016|Biodiversity and human well-being: an essential link for sustainable development. Naeem, Shahid; Chazdon, Robin; Duffy, J Emmett; Prager, Case; Worm, Boris 1996|What policies for biodiversity management...
BSP Basic Security Profile (Web Services Interoperability specification) BSP Bone Sialoprotein (mineralized tissues) BSP Bahujan Samaj Party (India) BSP Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines) BSP Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas BSP Business Service Provider BSP Business Server Pages (...
Sawyer D, Mesquita B, Coutinho B, Almeida FD, Figueiredo I, Lamas I, Pereira LE, Pinto LP, Pires MO, Kasecker T (2018) Ecosystem profile: Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot: full Report. Supernova, Brasília, Brazil.
Deep RNA-Seq profile reveals biodiversity, plant–microbe interactions and a large family of NBS-LRR resistance genes in walnut (Juglans regia) tissues Sandeep Chakraborty, Monica Britton, P. J. Martínez-García & Abhaya M. Dandekar AMB Express volume 6, Article number: 12 (2016) Cite this...