The local nature of the UK concrete industry means that traceability and an ethical supply chain can be demonstrated. During 2020, 91% of UK Concrete produced was BES 6001 responsible sourcing accredited. Responsible sourcing certification, as well as Environmental Management through ISO 14001, and ...
In 2021, the Met Office marked a decade of holding The Wildlife Trusts’ Biodiversity Benchmark certification for their 9.1-hectare headquarters in Exeter. Seeking to align with national and local biodiversity priorities, such as the Exeter Wild City Living Landscape, the Met Office chose the Biodi...
Achieving a net gain in ecosystem health and species abundance and preventing human-induced extinctions of known threatened species by 2030, transformative changes in land and sea use, resource use efficiency, production and consumption patterns (particularly for food), resource mobilization and inclusive...
Furthermore, the entire country is currently acquiring and promoting FSC certification. Large portions of forest area owned by SFNZ already have FSC certification, hence it is possible that a shift in social and consumer awareness will increase demand for certified timber and contribute to growth ...
In September 2024, Yui no Mori was certified as a conserved area by the Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan. This is a site certification system in which the Ministry of Environment certifies areas where biodiversity is being conserved through private or other initiatives. This certification...
predyce - Is the natural evolution of the conventional Energy Performance Certification into real time optimization of building performance and comfort, by capturing the building's dynamic behaviour, and at the same time providing transparent feedback, through an intuitive interface. EUReCA - Provides ...
(Supplementary Fig.8), Sub-Saharan Africa would increase crop consumption more than, e.g. China with lower cropland intensification potentials. However, with a stronger economic growth compared to Sub-Saharan Africa, China increased its net imports of crops such that food consumption increased ...
(EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Determination of High Indirect Land-use Change-risk Feedstock for Which a Significant EXPANSION of the production area into Land with High Carbon Stock is Observed and the Certification of Low Indirect Land-use Change-...
Graeme Auld 6 1 Department Political Science, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 15578, 1001 NB Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, 2511 DP The Hague, The Netherlands 3 The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving), ...
However, this claim is not tested for the selection-effect: Farmers that are in a better position to advance biodiversity may opt for certification more than farmers that are less able to do so [33,34]. Observed positive effects include less deforestation, higher species richness, and healthier...