Sensibio H2O was theworld's first micellar water cleanser, designed to effectively cleanse the skin without the use of water and formulated torespect and soothe even the most sensitive skin: • Cleanses the skin of impurities such as makeup, pollution and heavy metals using asingle cleansing ag...
250 ML | £5.20 per 100ML 3 for 2 on selected Bioderma - cheapest free Add to basket Collect 39 points with this purchase Find in store Product details Sensibio H2O is the iconic cleansing and make-up removing micellar water for sensitive skin. It deeply cleanses th...
Fluidactiv (皮脂品质改善配方),可以预防粉刺、毛孔堵塞等油性问题肌肤状况。 专利Micelle洁肤配方-畅通毛孔;天然青瓜植物精华-舒缓、补湿; Micelle-特有水溶、油溶份子; 脂肪酸脂微胞-组织清洁份子,彻底扫走肌肤内外污垢; 天然青瓜植物精华-柔软肌肤,减轻灼热及红肿。
容量 500ml 500ml*2瓶 适合肤质 粉水温和 绿水控油 蓝水保湿 商品有效期04/30/2027 商品卖点 呵护薄皮弱敏肌,温和净卸,舒缓不紧绷 Micelle胶束科技洁肤配方,清洁力UP 专利护肤,提高皮肤耐受 0添加皂基、酒精、香料和防腐剂,模拟皮肤酸碱环境,敏感特安心 ...
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Soothing Micellar Cleansing Water and Makeup Removing Solution for Sensitive Skin 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 3瓶装卸妆水 12.90 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
This French micellar water with a cult following gently removes my makeup and cleans my skin without stripping itMara Leighton
Bioderma 贝德玛 深层卸妝水 粉水 500ml (舒妍修复系列)|Bioderma Sensibio H2O Soothing Micellar Water Cleanser 500ml|3401345935571
水(AQUA),PEG-6辛酸/癸酸甘油酯,丙二醇,黄瓜提取物,甘露醇,木糖醇,鼠李糖,果糖,EDTA二钠,西曲溴铵。 【适用人群】 油性、混合型肌肤适用。 【使用方法】 将卸妆水倒在化妆棉上,轻轻卸除脸上的化妆品残留物、灰尘、油脂等,重复至完全洁净为止,早晚可用。
Bioderma 贝德玛 深层卸妝水 粉水 250ml (舒妍修复系列)|Bioderma Sensibio H2O Soothing Micellar Water Cleanser for Sensitive Skin 250ml|34015772288297