一种独特的绳索润滑剂,可最大限度地延长绳索、滑轮和卷筒的使用寿命,而不会损害环境。约 85% 可在 28 天内生物降解。非常适合敏感环境,包括海洋区域。生物降解率通过 ASTM 测试方法 D5864(OECD 301B Modified Sturm Test)进行。 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生...
绳索线缆润滑油脂Wire Rope & Cable Lubricants 闭式齿轮油Enclosed Gear & Worm Drive Oils 矿机齿轮脂Mill Gear & Drive Lubricants 水泥设备润滑油脂Cement Lubricants 金属加工液Metalworking Lubricant您现在的位置:首页-矿山机械润滑油-生物降解润滑油Biodegradable Lubricants生物...
Contamination effects by a 'conventional' and a 'biodegradable' lubricant oil on infaunal recruitment to Antarctic sediments: A field experiment To investigate the impacts of synthetic lubricants on Antarctic infaunal communities, a field experiment was setup near Australia's Casey Station, East Ant....
Biodegradable Wire Rope Coating Grease可生物降解的钢丝绳脂涂料Bel-ray Biodegradable Wire Rope Lubricant可生物降解的钢丝绳润滑剂气溶胶润滑剂Bel-ray 6 In 1 Multipurpose Lubricant6合1多功能润滑剂Bel-ray Bel-Ray Brake & Parts Cleaner贝尔 - 雷刹车,零件吸尘器Bel-ray Molylube Spray Coating with Moly M...
... quantities of lubricant oil, especially suitable for aluminum, tin, copper, alloy material such as cutting, shaping, drilling, milling, turning and grinding processing。 Atomization effect is good, good biodegradability. ... Compare this product lubricating oilSynxtreme FRH1-46 synthetic food...
Biodegradable Wire Rope Lubricant可生物降解的钢丝绳润滑剂Bel-ray Non-Melt Wire Rope Coating Grease非熔融钢丝绳脂涂料防锈油Bel-ray Rust Preventative Coating 防锈涂料Bel-ray Wire Rope & Gear Lubricant钢丝绳和齿轮润滑油合成润滑油Bel-ray Clear Gear Lubricant清除齿轮润滑油Bel-ray Synthetic Diesel Hammer...