Rice straw biochar (RB) was applied to soil at a 25.00thadosage under greenhouse conditions, and its effects on the degradation of three pesticides in vegetables and in soil were investigated individually. Overall, RB application effectively facilitated CAP and HPM degradation in broccoli by 13.51–...
Further studies are needed to evaluate effects of biochar for the safe production of lotus in ponds, other important vegetables, fruit trees, and Chinese medicinal plants under heavy-metal polluted conditions. Acknowledgements This study is supported by funding from Shanghai Administration Bureau of ...
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is widely recognized as one of the most commonly consumed vegetables globally [1]. Ensuring a substantial crop yield of tomatoes is crucial to address the growing need for food in Pakistan [2]. Tomato is abundant in minerals and antioxidants, including vitamin C, l...
Field studies are mixed on the yield issue with someshowing an increase and others showing a decrease. Some studies show positive results when used with fertilize, or on acidic, low fertility, soils. Afour year study looking at growing vegetables in a simulated back yard garden, at three diff...
used to control the shelf life of climacteric fruits and vegetables, to control taste, odor and color in beverages, drinking water and frying oil treatment, to remove non-nutritive toxins or to adsorb organic substances, and color bleaching of sugar-syrup [29,32]. Aerobic digestion, production...
Effect of biochar-based compound fertilizer on the yield, fruit quality and N use efficiency of vegetables. [Objectives]The unsuitable disposal of agricultural residues,such as crop straw,bamboo scraps and livestock manure is not only causing a waste of bio-resou... LI Dawei,J Zhou,G Pan,.....
[1]. During the winter season, farmers commonly sow fenugreek seeds alongside fodder crops like clover and barley to enhance the nutritional value of animal feed. Moreover, its tender green leaves and pods are esteemed as edible vegetables for human consumption [2]. Fenugreek seeds contain ...
on their speciation and bioavailability in contaminated paddy soil. The stabilization of heavy metals reduces bioavailability and mobility of Cd in paddy soil [6]. The several studies have evaluated ecological effect of different heavy metal stabilization, such as bentonite, lime, phosphate rock, ...
Sources of soil pollution by heavy metals and their accumulation in vegetables: a review Water Air Soil Pollut., 230 (2019) Google Scholar Cited by (4) Hydroxyapatite self-doped biochar with MgO modification immobilizes heavy metal and alters soil microbial community 2024, Journal of Environmental...
It is now widely established that the daily intake of fruits and vegetables reduces the incidence of tumor diseases and cardiovascular disorders as well as aging (Zhang et al., 2015). These health-promoting effects have been ascribed to the presence of particular compounds in foods able to exert...