Biocell Technology International Gmbh brief info: biocelltechnology is a research, product development, branding, and marketing company that manufactures innovative,science-based raw material ingredients that have applications in dietarysupplements, functional foods and cosmetics. the company licenses its brande...
本页是上海玉博生物科技有限公司 为您精选的british biocell international产品,欢迎您来电咨询该产品的详细信息!上海玉博生物科技有限公司 产品的种类有很多,不同的产品也会有细微的差别,本公司为您提供全方位的解决方案。
BioCell Technology总裁Suhail Ishaq表示:“我们迄今为止最大研究的结果得以发表,我们感到非常振奋,这些结果进一步印证了我们的旗舰膳食成分BioCell Collagen的有效性。人体临床研究一直是证实膳食补充剂宣传效果的黄金标准,我们的授权伙伴能够对此加以利用,令我们感到十分自豪。” 该项最新研究验证了先前一项初步研究,后者显示...
BioCell Technology是一家從事研究、產品開發、品牌推廣和市場行銷的公司,生產以科學為基礎的創新成分,並廣泛應用於膳食補充劑、機能性食品和化妝品。公司將其品牌成分授權給領先的消費者包裝產品公司,用於後者的成品。欲瞭解更多資訊,請造訪。 原文版本可在businesswire.com上查閱:https://www...
加州尔湾 -- (美国商业资讯) -- 品牌膳食成分供应商BioCell Technology, LLC今天发布《健康成人女性使用BioCell Collagen®对皮肤衰老的效应:随机、双盲、安慰剂对照临床试验》。上述结果于2019年6月9日在美国营养学会(ASN) Nutrition 2019上进行壁报呈报,并发布于。该壁报将由ASN作为Nutrition...
All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the sole property of BioCell Technology or its content suppliers and/or vendors and protected by United States and International Copyright...
B.I.D International Star Award for Quality Convention –Geneva 2012 Biocell Research & Development Sdn Bhd received the International Star Award for Quality in the Gold Category Recognized for commitments to Quality, Leadership, Technology and Innovation, Biocell Research & Development Sdn Bhd represents...
May 10, 2018, Irvine, CA –BioCell Technology, LLCannounces it is sponsoring a Scientific Session at Vitafoods at the Life Stage Pavilion at Palexpo, Geneva Switzerland. Tweet previous post next post New Study on BioCell Collagen Published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nut...
“It is important that the supplement industry conducts research at the pinnacle of good science and this includes a double blind, properly populated study like this one,” said Stephen Schwartz, President and CEO of International Research Services, Inc. About BioCell Collagen®...
“We are very excited to have BioCell Collagen® featured in this new formulation distributed by Ascend Life in Singapore,” said Suhail Ishaq, President of BioCell Technology. “Duplex’s MAX-JOINT PLUS finished consumer product showcases the power of BioCell Collagen’s for joint health and ...