bio-SiC ecoceramicssapele tree woodThe thermopower coefficients of bio-SiC and SiC/Si ecoceramics prepared from sapele tree wood have been measured in the temperature interval 5–300 K. The measurements have been performed both along and perpendicular to empty (bio-SiC), as well as empty and ...
The electrical resistivity of bio-SiC was found to be anisotropic along and across the cellular pores. The activation energy of charge transfer in bio-SiC was estimated. The measured values of ρ for the SiC/Si biomorphic composite and bio-SiC were used to determine the electrical resistivity ...
碳化硅纳米颗粒是由碳和硅元素组成的纳米级颗粒。通常,碳化硅纳米颗粒是指具有纳米尺寸的碳化硅颗粒,其尺寸通常在几十到几百纳米之间。碳化硅是一种碳和硅元素形成的化合物,其化学式为SiC。 碳化硅纳米颗粒可以通过多种方法制备,包括化学气相沉积法、溶胶-凝胶法、机械合成法等。在化学气相沉积法中,通常使用硅源和碳源...
该研究为聚碳硅烷先驱体转化法制备 SiC 涂层提供了全面的理论依据和实践指导,有助于推动 SiC 涂层在高温防护、耐磨、耐腐蚀等领域的进一步应用和发展。未来研究可进一步探索其他添加剂或复合工艺对 SiC 涂层性能的改善作用,拓展其应用范围。
Electrical properties of bio-SiC and Si components of the SiC/Si biomorphic compositeOrlovaT. S.Il’inD. V.SmirnovB. I.I. A.SepulvedaR.Martinez-FernandezPHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE C/C OF FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELAT. S. Orlova,D. V. Il’in,B. I. Smirnov,I. A. Smirnov,R. Sepulveda,J...
碳化硅SiC纳米线单晶纤维 碳化硅长晶须 的制备方法科普 SiC纳米线介绍 SiC纳米线是一种径向上尺寸低于100nm ,长度方向上远高于径向尺寸的单晶纤维。SiC纳米线生产技术一直都是**研究的中心及难点。SiC纳米线在**产量不高,一般为实验室水平生产(每次产量约几十微克)。 电镜图如下: SiC纳米线的检测图谱如下: 制备... OPEN Bio-inspired dewetted surfaces based on SiC/Si interlocked structures for enhanced- received: 30 January 2016 underwater stability andaccepted:04April2016 Published:20April2016 regenerative-drag reduction capability By Junghan Lee, Zhuo Zhang, Seunghyun ...
A monolithic SiC pressure sensor for blood pressure measurement has been investigated. For the implantable blood pressure measurement sensor, the sensor is wireless, biocompatible and linear. The SiC is used for its superior physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics. The sensor uses a wireless ...
Tumulosic acidPrice:$650/5mg BBP No.: BBP06815 CAS No.: 508-24-7 Synonym: Formule: C31H50O4 Appearance: Powder Purity: Key words: standardized herbal extract; natural product; natural product libraryprev: Methyl indole-3-acetate next: Thalifaramine Similar Structures...