Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing and manufacturing a wide range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets.
Discover a workflow for co-isolation and analysis of CTCs and ctDNA from one liquid biopsy sample using the Genesis System with Celselect Slides™ and ddPCR. Infographic Immunotherapy Research Applications: CTC Analysis Learn how CTC analysis contributes to discovery, research and development of new...
近日,致力于生命科学研究和临床诊断产品的全球领先企业 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.(以下简称Bio-Rad)上市了其首个超灵敏多重数字 PCR 检测产品。2022 年,Bio-Rad 与阅尔基因(NuProbe Global)达成了一项技术授权和产品开发协议,利用阅尔基因专利的抑制探针置换扩增(BDA)技术合作开发多重数字 PCR 试剂,本次新品发布...
Need Help with cell capture, recovery, and analysis? Email a Bio-Rad Celselect Expert to discuss your cell research needs and request more information about the Genesis System and Celselect Slides™.How Could Your Cell Research Benefit with Celselect Slides Technology? Examine how the Genesis ...
QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) 系统可对靶 DNA 或 RNA 分子进行绝对定量分析,适用于 EvaGreen 或基于探针的数字 PCR 应用领域。QX200 Droplet Digital PCR 系统的优点1. 最准确、最灵敏的数字 PCR 解决方案,具有广泛的应用2. 灵活的数字 PCR 化学方法,已针对 TaqMan 水解探针和 EvaGreen 测定进行优化3....
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品牌:Bio-Rad伯乐 加工定制:否 重量:10kg 测量范围:5 数量级 外形尺寸:28 x 36 x 13 cm 产品简介:美国BIO-RAD伯乐QX200数字PCR仪Droplet Digital PCR(ddPCR) 系统可对靶DNA或RNA分子进行*定量分析,适用于EvaGreen或基于探针的数字PCR应用领域。 美国BIO-RAD伯乐QX200数字PCR仪 ...
Comparison of parameters, sensitivity, and data analysis using Bio-Rad imaging systems and software to determine which imaging system is ideal for your application. In-Cell Western Assays In-Cell Western Assays are high throughput quantitative and qualitative immunofluorescence assays that utilizes Bio-Ra...
品牌 伯乐BioRad 尺寸 660x520x290mm 单个微滴体积 0.91 QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) 系统可对靶 DNA 或 RNA 分子进行绝对定量分析,适用于 EvaGreen 或基于探针的数字 PCR 应用领域。QX200 Droplet Digital PCR 系统的优点1. 最准确、最灵敏的数字 PCR 解决方案,具有广泛的应用2. 灵活的数字 PCR...
Bio-Rad伯乐ddPCR探针预混液186-3023 186-3024 186-3025 ddPCR Supermix for Probes (No dUTP) ,2支*1ml/盒。为即用型2x预混液,含有除引物和模板外的ddPCR反应所需成分。用于DNA样本的制备,如NGS测序文库制备、PCR克隆等。 数字PCR技术提供了对分子遗传变异的定量分析能力。研究人员运用数字PCR技术开展诸如拷贝...